Age of Discovery

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Christopher Columbus is trading along the Guinea and Gold coasts of West Africa.
2 Jan 1492
Following a successful siege, the city of Granada is the last Moorish stronghold to fall to Spain. Christopher Columbus is present at the event.
31 Mar 1492
The Alhambra Decree expels Jews from Spain
3 Aug 1492
Led by admiral Christopher Columbus, a crew of 90 men and three small ships called the Niña, Pinta, and the Santa María set sail from the south coast of Spain. Their mission is to find a sea route to the Indies by sailing west from Europe.
12 Oct 1492
Christopher Columbus makes landfall in the New World for the first time, 33 days after setting sail from Spain. The exact site (called "Guanahani") is not certain, but San Salvador Island, Bahamas, is generally favored among scholars.
28 Oct 1492
Columbus makes second landfall on Cuba
6 Dec 1492
Columbus lands on Haiti
16 Jan 1493
Columbus sails back to Spain with Haiti
John Cabot Rediscovers Newfoundland for England
20 May 1498
Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama reaches Calicut, India. He has successfully opened a sea route from Europe to the East, via the Cape of Good Hope.
Aug 1542
Francisco de Orellana sails the length of the Amazon River
Sir Francis Drake becomes the first Englishman to sail around the world.
Tasman Discovers the South Island of New Zealand
Captain Cook's First Visit to New Zealand