
  • Choir Vézelay, France
  • Chancel England

    The chancel dates from around 1220. The fine choir stalls, with linenfold panelling and poppy-heads, are early 16th century. They were brought here from Thame Abbey at the Dissolution.

  • Choir England

    The choir dates from two different periods, which is clearly evident in the contrasting architectural styles. These are in the Decorated style of English Gothic.

  • Chancel England

    The chancel of Christ Church Cathedral is Late Norman like the nave, dating from the mid-12th century. The lovely marble floor and choir stalls date from Gilbert Scott's restoration of 1870-76. Cecilia.

  • Choir England

    The choir of Gloucester Cathedral dates from the great rebuilding project of 1337-50. The choir stalls against the wall, which include fine canopies and 46 medieval misericords, are original and in excellent condition. .

  • Glass Chapel

    The Gothic choir or Capella vitrea (Glass Chapel) was attached to the Palatine Chapel in 1414. Its walls are virtually made of glass: they are filled with 13 jewel-like stained glass windows that rise 100 feet high.