Beaufort House Gloucester, England

Listed Building Data

Beaufort House has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
12 March 1973
Grid Reference
SO 82990 18832

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.


SO8218NE COLLEGE GREEN 844-1/7/76 (West side) 12/03/73 No.12 Beaufort House (Formerly Listed as: COLLEGE GREEN No.12)


House with an assembly room adjoining to right, now offices. 1735-6 with later alterations. By John Pasco. Red brick in Flemish bond with stone details, slate roof with gabled dormers, brick ridge stacks. The former house double-depth block; the former assembly room the same depth overall as the house, originally one large room, now divided as offices with an upper floor inserted. EXTERIOR OF FORMER HOUSE: two storeys, attic and cellar; front of five bays with offset plinth, raised stone band at first-floor level, and parapet with stone coping. On the ground floor the entrance doorway in the right hand bay, door of six fielded panels in a plain opening. Sashes in bays to left and on first floor with glazing bars (3x4 panes), all in openings with rubbed brick flat arches set with raised keystones and projecting stone sills; a gabled dormer with sashes with glazing bars (3x3 panes) above the third and the fifth bays. INTERIOR OF FORMER HOUSE: early C18 staircase to first floor with closed string, square newels, moulded handrail and column-on-vase balusters; room to left of entrance hall has restored C18 fielded dado panels, chair rail, fielded panels above the rail, and moulded cornice; in room to rear a C18 chimney-piece with projecting key block in the lintel; on the first-floor front a panelled room with an early C19 chimney-piece with reeded surround and paterae stops; early C19 staircase to attic with column newels, stick balusters and ramped handrail. EXTERIOR OF FORMER ASSEMBLY ROOM: a tall single storey of four bays with a large sash with original mid C18 thick glazing bars (6x4 panes) in each bay, all in openings with rubbed brick flat arches set with projecting keystones, a continuous projecting stone band above the window arches and a tall brick parapet with a slightly projecting plain brick panel to each bay; four gabled roof dormers with sashes with glazing bars (3x3 panes). INTERIOR OF FORMER ASSEMBLY ROOM: fielded panel dado with dado

rail and fielded panel shutters in the window embrasures, in the centre of the west wall above the dado a semicircular niche with a shell head in plaster, the fireplace in the north wall is partially obscured. HISTORY: house built by John Pasco, master builder of Moulsey, Surrey, as a speculation in partnership with Barnabas Gunn, cathedral organist, on ground leased from the Bishop of Gloucester;the site of the bishop's former stables. The assembly room was originally used for concerts and as a coffee room; was built to serve the enclosed community around the Cathedral Close. (Eward S: No Fine but a Glass of Wine, Cathedral Life at Gloucester: Salisbury: 1985-: 318).

Listing NGR: SO8299018832