25, Blake Street York, England

Listed Building Data

25, Blake Street has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
19 August 1971
Grid Reference
SE 60174 51999


Two houses, now shop, offices and maisonette. Both houses late C18; house fronting Blake Street 1785 with late C19 alterations and shopfront; house fronting Stonegate altered in early C19, with mid C19 shopfront; both altered further and combined to form single shop in C20. MATERIALS: Blake Street house of red-brown brick in Flemish bond; timber shopfront and eaves cornice; slate hipped roof with brick stacks.

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.


SE6051NW BLAKE STREET 1112-1/28/47 (North East side) 19/08/71 No.25 (Formerly Listed as: BLAKE STREET Nos 15, 17, 19A, 19, 21A, 23 and 25)


Two houses, now shop, offices and maisonette. Both houses late C18; house fronting Blake Street 1785 with late C19 alterations and shopfront; house fronting Stonegate altered in early C19, with mid C19 shopfront; both altered further and combined to form single shop in C20. MATERIALS: Blake Street house of red-brown brick in Flemish bond; timber shopfront and eaves cornice; slate hipped roof with brick stacks. Stonegate house orange-brown brick in Flemish bond with orange brick dressings; roof obscured by parapet with stone coping. EXTERIOR: Blake Street front: 4 storeys and basement; 5-bays. Shopfront framed in panelled pilasters with imposts and carved consoles at the head; moulded and dentilled cornice between carved segment-headed terminal blocks above. Glazed shop doors with brass fittings at corner, behind cast-iron arcade of 2 round arches on squat columns with foliate capitals and tall pedestals, and spandrels decorated with shell and foliage motifs; shop entablature continues over with paired consoles at corner. Other doors are of 4 raised and fielded panels with overlights: shop windows are plate glass, of 2 lights with transoms and roller blinds. Cellar openings beneath have ornate cast-iron grilles. Windows on first floor are 2-light casements, on second floor 1-pane sashes, on third floor squat 4-pane sashes: all have flat arches of gauged brick and those on second and third floors painted stone sills. Dentilled and modillioned eaves cornice. 1-bay right return to Stonegate repeats main front openings with 1-light shop window. Stonegate house: 3 storeys and attic; 2-window front. Shopfront framed in plain pilasters with imposts beneath dentilled cornice on grooved brackets: to left, blocked shop door; plate glass window with colonnette mullions, over moulded panel riser broken by ornate cast-iron grilles to cellar openings. On first floor, windows are shallow tripartite bow with fluted frieze and slight cornice to left, segment-arched tripartite sash to right; second floor windows are 12-pane sashes with cambered heads and gauged brick arches. Altered attic extended to left as parapet has lunette window with squat 6-pane sash and semicircular arch of gauged brick. All upper floor windows have painted stone sills. INTERIOR: has steep winder stair with open strings, shaped treadends, stick balusters and serpentine handrail. RCHM record top lit staircase with turned balusters in Stonegate

house. (City of York: RCHME: The Central Area: HMSO: 1981-: 110).

Listing NGR: SE6017451999