Lois Grunow Memorial Clinic Phoenix, Arizona

  • Comment by Dan McPeek on November 7, 2013

    When I was a 15 year old at Phoenix Union High School, in the fall of 1958, I played on the junior varsity football team. I suffered my first concussion (not diagnosed at that time) in the season's 2nd game. I lost consciousness but played in the second half. A few weeks later, after a second loss of memory after a play, my mother took me to the Grunow Clinic where I was diagnosed as having suffered 2 minor concussions. I finished out the season but never played football again. As I later that year lettered in varsity track I never had any desire for football. We were a middle class family but my mother always chose the best when it came to medical care and Grunow was the best.

    What led me to this site was reading about concussions in the NFL and wondered if the clinic still existed. I Googled and here it is in all its glory. I live in Sun City now and haven't been on east McDowell in many years. Boy does that photo bring back memories. Just curious as the year of closing.

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