Court of Two Sisters New Orleans, Louisiana

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Construction of Court of Two Sisters as a home for for Jean Baptiste Zenon Cavelier, president of the Bank of New Orleans
Jean Baptiste Zenon Cavelier and his brother run stores at 613 Royal and 631 Royal
Emile Angaud purchases the Court of Two Sisters building and the street-side store at 613 Royal
1886-c. 1905
Bertha Angaud (wife of Emile's son Baldomero) and her sister Emma Camors run a "rabais" or notions shop called "The Shop of the Two Sisters," which sells expensive Mardi Gras costumes, formal gowns, lace, and perfumes imported from Paris
Bertha's husband dies and the property is passed to his sister's children
c. 1905
Emma and Bertha are forced to close their shop, as the French Quarter loses its Creole population
Court of Two Sisters sold for $39,000
Court of Two Sisters sold for $14,000
Jimmy Cooper runs a successful restaurant in the Court of Two Sisters, thanks to soldiers arriving in New Orleans from all over the world
The two sisters die within months of each other and are buried in St. Louis Cemetery #3 on Esplanade Avenue
Joe Fein, Jr., an established local restaurateur, acquires and begins to restore the Court of Two Sisters and establish the restaurant it is today
The Willow, a prominent tree in the courtyard, is destroyed during Hurricane Betsy