Oddington, England

Historic Sites & Landmarks in Oddington, England

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  • Church of St Andrew Oddington, England

    Church, C13, C14/C15, restored and altered 1889 by E.G. Brutons Limestone rubble with ashlar dressings; plain-tile roof. Chancel, nave, north aisle, north chapel, south porch and west tower.

  • Manor Farmhouse, Barn c. 50 M to N Oddington, England

    Barn. Early C18. Limestone rubble; Stonesfield-slate roof. 5-bay plan with added central porch. Slits in outer bays and ends, plus triangular vents in the gables; full-height opposed rear doors; weatherboarded gable to porch.

  • Church of Holy Ascension Oddington, England

    Anglican church. 1852; by S. W .Daukes. Limestone rubble with freestone dressings. Clay plain tile roofs with stone coped gable ends. PLAN: Nave, chancel, north aisle, vestry in angle of north aisle and chancel, and large 2-storey north porch.

  • Latimer Farm Oddington, England

    Detached farmhouse. Late C18. Coursed, squared and dressed limestone, stone slate roof, ashlar stack, C20 artificial stone stack and C20 brick stacks. Rectangular main body with service extension onto right gable end.

  • Barndon Farmhouse Oddington, England

    Farmhouse. Probably late C18. Limestone rubble with timber lintels and some squared quoins; plain-tile roof with brick gable stacks. T-plan. 2 storeys plus attic.

  • Logg Farmhouse Oddington, England

    Farmhouse. Mid C18. Limestone rubble; artificial stone-slate roofs with renewed brick gable stacks.

  • Medcraft Farmhouse Oddington, England

    Farmhouse, now house. Early C18. Limestone rubble with some ashlar dressings; concrete plain-tile roof with gable stacks. L-plan. 2 storeys. Symmetrical 2-window front has 3-light casements with ashlar flat arches at each floor.

  • Rectory Farmhouse Oddington, England

    Farmhouse, now house. Early C18. Limestone rubble; concrete plain-tile roof with brick gable stacks. 2-unit plan with rear wings. 2 storeys plus attic.

  • Brandons; Oak Cottage Oddington, England

    Row of cottages, formerly at least 3 cottages, now 2. Late C17- early C18 cottage at end of row on left, remainder of row built in at least 2 phases probably C18. C20 garage extension at left end not of special interest.

  • Brightwell Oddington, England

    Detached house. Early C19 later C19 and C20. Coursed, squared and dressed limestone, ashlar quoins, concrete tile roof, C20 stone stacks. Rectangular plan with C20 extension onto right gable end and late C19 extension at rear.

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