Bonjedward House and Walled Garden Jedburgh, Scotland

Listed Building Data

Bonjedward House and Walled Garden has been designated a scheduled monument in Scotland with the following information. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

Historic Scotland ID
340528 (entity ID)
Building ID
Canmore ID
Bonjedward House and Walled Garden
Scottish Borders
Date Listed
16 March 1971

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

Later 18th century, with early 19th century work and with mid 19th century addition and alteration. Symmetrical 2-storey and attic 3-bay simple classical villa; band course above basement on ground falling to rear. Sandstone rubble (harl removed) with polished cream ashlar dressings. Moulded eaves, long and short quoins, ground floor windows slightly taller. Mid 19th century service wing to N, detailed as above but with solid parapet and still. W (ENTRANCE) FRONT: centre bay slightly advanced with blocking course, slender quoin strips; pilastered and corniced tripartite doorpiece with panelled door, 4-pane rectangular fanlight and 4-pane sidelights; tripartite window above, slate-hung box-dormer at centre. Windows to each floor of flanking bays. 3-bay wing set back to outer left, single storey on raised basement; details as above but with flat roof and harled; left window smaller. S ELEVATION: 2-storey and attic 3-bay on raised basement; windows to all floors of all bays; central dormer, as above. E ELEVATION: 2-strorey and attic 3-bay on raised basement; central bay canted with quoin strips to leading edges, single window to each face and blocking course; windows to all floors of all bays; central dormer, as above. To outer right, 2-storey 3-bay wing; irregular fenestration; at ground, large bipartite window to left, single windo at centre, pair of narrow windows to right; single window to each bay at 1st floor. N ELEVATION: as S elevation but with wallhead stack at centre, and projecting wing covering ground and basement of 2 right bays; wing with door and window at basement level and window above. Much later double garage at ground to right. 12-pane timber sash and case windows, 9-pane to basement, 8-pane to sides of canted bay. Piend and platform roof, grey slates; coped ashlar stacks, octagonal cans. INTERIOR: entrance lobby leads to central stair hall lit by drum cupola; delicate neo-classical plasterwork to principal rooms. Dining room with Greek key frieze and pilastered sideboard recess in end wall (now converted to kitched). 19th century kitchen and service rooms largely survive in basement. WALLED GARDEN: coped rubble walls, approx 2.5m high; originally rectangular, extended with canted side walls in mid 19th century. Square piend-roofed apple store and greenhouse on NW wall. Sited on S facing slope to SW of house.

Listed Building Statement of Special Interest

Text courtesy of Historic Environment Scotland. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

The house and estate were acquired by the Lothian family as a dower house in about 1840, and the service wing added then. B Group with stables, still surviving to the SW, and the entrance lodge on the A68 (see separate listings). There is a small tile-hung bungalow on the lawn to the E of the house, built in the 1970s. The interior has marked similarities to that at Glenburn Hall. The NSA describes Bonjedward as a 'modern mansion house' in 1834. It seems there was an earlier building on or near the site from 1671.

Listed Building References

Text courtesy of Historic Environment Scotland. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

1st edition OS. New Statistical Account Vol 3 (1834)p14. Information courtesy of owner, 1999.