Skelmorlie Village 9 Crescent Tudor House and Gatepiers Largs, Scotland

Listed Building Data

Skelmorlie Village 9 Crescent Tudor House and Gatepiers has been designated a scheduled monument in Scotland with the following information. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

Historic Scotland ID
339127 (entity ID)
Building ID
Canmore ID
Skelmorlie Village 9 the Crescent Tudor House and Gatepiers
North Ayrshire
Date Listed
29 August 1985

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

Watson and Salmond, architects. Built circa 1904. Large asymmetrical Tudor villa. Mostly 2 storeys. Stugged red sandstone ashlar with polished dressings. West elevation: 2 advanced wide gabled bays with mullioned windows (transomed at ground floor and 1 projecting) to right, battered, 3-storey, square entrance tower in re-entrant angle, 2 narrow bays to left. Tudor-arched door recessed in moulded rectangular panel with small side lights and blocked cornice; plaque with shaped hood-mould above and over 1st floor tripartite; shaped parapet above string (latter broken by slit opening). Mullioned ground floor window in projecting bay with parapet to left of door, timber framing above; narrow outer bay has corbelled and gabled 1st floor window rising above eaves. Mullioned windows in north and south gables; rear wing extends to east and returns south forming U-plan courtyard, partly filled by conservatory; 2 tall mullioned and transomed windows to rear of main block. Mullioned windows to most elevations mostly square-headed; all windows leaded with small panes. Variety of apex and wall head stacks, latter mostly battered; tall square stack over north east angle of rear wing. Variety of roof levels, all slated, with deeply projecting eaves. Decorative wrought-iron lamp at main door. Set above balustraded terrace wall to west. 2 panelled square gatepiers with shaped cornices and pyramidal caps; panelled wooden gates.

Listed Building References

Text courtesy of Historic Environment Scotland. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

ACADEMY ARCHITECTURE 1904, vol. I pp 104 & 107 (illus.) Ayrshire C.C. Northern District Committee Minutes.