6, Terrace Walk Bath, England

Listed Building Data

6, Terrace Walk has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
12 June 1950
Bath and North East Somerset
Grid Reference
ST 75194 64749

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

TERRACE WALK 656-1/41/1672 No.6

(Formerly Listed as: TERRACE WALK Nos 6-9 (consec) including 8A) 12/06/50


Shop with accommodation over. c1730, refronted late C18, altered late C19. By John Wood the Elder. PLAN: Double depth plan with entry to left. EXTERIOR: Three storeys. Ground floor has double fronted shopfront (early C20 infill) and four-panelled door in c1830 unified pilaster surround. First and second floors have late C18 tripartite sash, six/six flanked by four/four, to first floor, three/six flanked by two/four above. Heavy cornice band at second floor level, continuous with Nos 4 and 5, and also Nos 7-9 on other side (qqv). Parapet, roof not visible to front but at rear, ashlar end stack with pots. Rear elevation rendered and has continuous heavy cornice at second floor level. Three windows, ground floor has small paned window, four x six, first and second floors have late C19 sashes, plain. Large stair window to right four x ten. INTERIOR: Not inspected. This house is apparently one of the four houses built by John Wood soon after 1728, and is shown projecting forward from the building line in his plan in `Essay towards the Description of Bath', 1749. It was refronted in the late C18; its original appearance presumably had three windows to the front as it still has at the back. The building appears on the Plan for the City of Bath, 1735. SOURCES: Ison W: The Georgian Buildings of Bath: London: 1948-: 148; Orbach J: Card Index of Bath Architects and Streets: 1978-; Bath Archaeological Trust/RCHM England: Georgian Bath Historical Map: Southampton: 1989-; The Bath Chronicle: Images of Bath: Derby: 1994-; Field G: Shopfront Record, Bath City Council: 1992-.

Listing NGR: ST7519464749