Church of St Wulfran Brighton and Hove, England

Listed Building Data

Church of St Wulfran has been designated a Grade I listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
13 October 1952
The City of Brighton and Hove
Grid Reference
TQ 35539 03559

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.


TQ3503NE GREENWAYS, Ovingdean 577-1/52/989 (West side) 13/10/52 Church of St Wulfran (Formerly Listed as: OVINGDEAN St Wulfran's Church)


Anglican church. Chancel and nave early C12, tower late C13, porch C19, restoration of the church 1867, south chapel 1907, north-west vestry c1985. Flint with stone dressings; roof chiefly of tiles, but that to the north side of the nave and the north-west vestry of slate. EXTERIOR: one round-arched lancet to east end and one each to either side of chancel; the south-east chapel has a single lancet in the east end and a blocked arch in its west end; south side has two 2-light windows with cusped lancets either side of the gabled porch which has a pointed chamfered arch; the easternmost of these windows is set under a massive relieving arch which, like the blocked arch in the south chapel, is a relic of a former south aisle. The north side has 2 lancets and a blocked, round-arched doorway; the vestry has 3 round-arched lancets and a 4-light flat-arched window with hoodmould to the west. Tower of 2 stages; 2 lancets to the lower part of the second stage, south and west, and 2 to upper part, south and north; corbelled circular stack to south-east corner; pyramidal spire with weathervane. INTERIOR: the chancel has aumbries either side of the altar, low down; one low pointed-arched opening, and another higher round-arched opening, both giving onto the south chapel in addition to a pointed-arched entrance presumably of 1907; the east end is painted with scenes of the Passion; crown-post roof, the ceiling and timbers stencilled to designs by CE Kempe, 1867; chancel arch rebuilt as one central round arch with a lower round arch on either side 1865-7; rood figures under a canopy in a late Gothic style by CE Kempe, 1907; boarded ceiling to nave; pointed arch to tower; stained glass in the nave and tower by CE Kempe. (Carder T: The Encyclopaedia of Brighton: Lewes: 1990-; Typed guide in the church).

Listing NGR: TQ3553803560