Barden Tower Barden, England

Listed Building Data

Barden Tower has been designated a Grade I listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
10 September 1954
North Yorkshire
Grid Reference
SE 05093 57198

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

BARDEN B (6160 SE 05 NE (east side) 6/31 Barden Tower


GV 1

Fortified house, now ruinous. Mid C16, restored in lo58-9. Ashlar and rubblestone. Rectangular in plan, an L-shaped addition to the south-east corner. Main house: 3 storeys, 4 bays. Small chamfered four-centred arched doorway to left of bay 2 with tablet above bearing inscription "This Barden Tower was repayred by the Ladie Anne Clifforde Countesse Dowager of Pembrooke, Dorsett and Montgomery Baronesse Clifforde Westmorland and Vescie. Lady of the Honor of Skipton in Craven and High Sherriffesse by inheritance of Countie of Westmorland in the years 1658 and 1659 after it had layne ruinous ever since about 1589 when her mother then lay in itt and was greate with child with her till nowe that itt was repayred by the said Lady. Isa Chap 58 Ver 12 'Gods Home be praised.". Left-hand bay has a lancet. Bays 2 and 4 have chamfered openings of large 3-light windows with hoodmoulds and relieving arches. The bay between is flanked by remains of walls and has a large double-chamfered, four-centred arched opening. First floor: left bay has a chamfered 2-light mullioned window with four-centred arched heads to lights, hoodmould. Bays 2 and 4 have similar large 3-light windows. To bay 3 a large plain four-centred arched opening. Second floor: openings are ruinous and open at the top, except that to bay 3 which is of one light. Left return: external stack to right of chamfered 4-centred arched door. To left a squared chamfered opening, to right of stack a chamfered opening. Above 2 chamfered lancets above a 2-light chamfered mullioned window with four-centred arched lights, hoodmould. Similar window above of 3 lights. Right return: similar. Rear: ruinous with small rectangular openings. L-shaped addition: 3 storeys, bays. Left-hand bay set back, chamfered doorway, chamfered 2-light windows above, one over the other. Right-hand bay: blind. Band, parapet. Rear: large external stack. A late medieval tower house of Lord Clifford, 'the shepherd Lord'; of interest as a small fortification with domestic amenities. Also a scheduled ancient monument (Yorkshire, West Riding) No 123.

Listing NGR: SE0504857203