4a, Millers Green Gloucester, England

Listed Building Data

4a, Millers Green has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
23 January 1952
Grid Reference
SO 83086 18873


House. 1616; with late medieval origins substantially remodelled in C18 and in early C19, minor C20 alterations. Until late C19 Nos 4A & 4B Miller's Green were the Schoolmaster's and Usher's houses but then united as one house until sub-divided again as two houses in 1986.

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.


SO8318NW MILLER'S GREEN 844-1/8/206 (East side) 23/01/52 No.4A (Formerly Listed as: MILLER'S GREEN Nos.4 AND 5)


House. 1616; with late medieval origins substantially remodelled in C18 and in early C19, minor C20 alterations. Until late C19 Nos 4A & 4B Miller's Green were the Schoolmaster's and Usher's houses but then united as one house until sub-divided again as two houses in 1986. The southern half incorporates medieval stone structure, including the remains of a culvert below the ground floor, seen during excavation but now not visible. Rendered brick and stone, gabled plain tile roof, brick stacks. Double-depth block with parallel ranges. EXTERIOR: three and two storeys, cellar and attics; entrance doorway on the south side; irregular fenestration, on both upper floors late C18 sashes with glazing bars (4x3 panes). INTERIOR: to right of entrance hall early C19 staircase with open string, column newels, stick balusters and ramped hand rail; in principal rooms good C18 architraves and doors; on ground floor in room to left a chamfered bridging beam, C18 architraves and doors, and a late C18 stone chimney-piece with the key-block in the lintel carved in relief with vase and a patera in relief at each end of the frieze; on the first floor a room with an arched bed recess flanked by cupboards with arched heads to the doors; in bathroom exposed chamfered beams; in the gable-end of one of the attics a late C17 leaded casement with a glass pane inscribed "Sarah Payne 1753" with "1759" and "1761" in column below, the pane set upside down in the leading. This is the northern part of a late C14 or C15 monastic building of which the southern half was remodelled as No.4B Miller's Green (qv). (Eward S: No Fine but a Glass of Wine, Cathedral Life at Gloucester: Salisbury: 1985-: 325).

Listing NGR: SO8308618873