3, Millers Green Gloucester, England

Listed Building Data

3, Millers Green has been designated a Grade II* listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
23 January 1952
Grid Reference
SO 83096 18870


House. Reputed to incorporate remains of the great kitchen of the Benedictine Abbey of St Peter, built in C12; substantially remodelled in C14 and in C16 known as the Common Kitchen; converted to house in late C16, altered in early C17, and partially refitted in 1725-31 for the leaseholder, Barbara Catchmay; later minor alterations. Stone, rendered brick and timber-frame, cross-gabled slate roofs, brick stacks.

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.


SO8318NW MILLER'S GREEN 844-1/8/205 (East side) 23/01/52 No.3


House. Reputed to incorporate remains of the great kitchen of the Benedictine Abbey of St Peter, built in C12; substantially remodelled in C14 and in C16 known as the Common Kitchen; converted to house in late C16, altered in early C17, and partially refitted in 1725-31 for the leaseholder, Barbara Catchmay; later minor alterations. Stone, rendered brick and timber-frame, cross-gabled slate roofs, brick stacks. Two, parallel, right-angle ranges forming double-depth block, and a rear wing to right making overall L-plan. EXTERIOR: on the front two gabled, right-angle ranges of two storeys and attics. On the front the taller, left-hand gable-end wall recessed behind face of right-hand gable-end wall; both gabled walls stuccoed with ruled masonry joints, the C16 timber-framing in right hand gable exposed in C20; in the right-hand gable wall the entrance doorway to left in a deep recess framed by moulded architrave and cornice, to right of doorway a C20 cross window with casements replacing a sash, on the first floor two cross windows with casements and in the gable between exposed timber collar ties a two-light casement; in the left-hand gable-end wall on the ground floor two C18 sashes with glazing bars (3x4 panes), on the first floor two cross windows with casements and in the gable a similar cross window; the casements in all the cross windows on the upper floors with leaded lights. The rear wall of the block stuccoed with two gables similar to the gables on the front and with irregular fenestration; on the ground floor to left a late C16 four-light, stone-mullioned window, and to right a C20 pair of French doors with sidelights; on the first floor three sashes with glazing bars (3x4 panes) and in the centre a cross window; in each gable a pair of casements; to left a single storey service wing. INTERIOR: entrance hall with C17 panelling on left-hand wall, to right a small room with C16 linenfold panelling above fireplace; at rear of entrance hall to right an open well staircase, inserted 1725-31, with richly carved tread-end brackets, twisted column-on-vase balusters, wreathed and ramped handrail, and stair dado with raised and fielded panels; in rooms to left early C18 fielded panelling and in the rear room a C19 slate chimney piece.

On first floor a large front room refitted in early C17 with square-frame panelling, chimney-piece and richly carved timber overmantel with figures flanking two arcaded and recessed panels, and an entablature, moulded plaster ceiling with ribs in intricate pattern, and with panels enclosing a swan, a crane in relief and the inscription "Alma Mater Cantabrigia"; room to rear with similar panelling, another room with exposed timber-framing. In attic some exposed roof framing including collar ties and purlins. (Eward S: No Fine but a Glass of Wine, Cathedral Life at Gloucester: Salisbury: 1985-: 324).

Listing NGR: SO8309618870