North Precinct Wall Gloucester, England

Listed Building Data

North Precinct Wall has been designated a Grade I listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
23 January 1952
Grid Reference
SO 83112 18929


Part of the precinct wall of the former Abbey of St Peter on the south side of Pitt Street between the entrance to the King's School (qv), on the north side of the precinct, and the north-west corner of the precinct at the junction of Pitt Street and St Mary's Street. Originally C12, the eastern half heightened and altered c1535 for Abbot Parker to serve as the north wall of a long gallery at first-floor level and linked to the Abbot's House; after 1540 the Bishop's Palace, which except for the

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.


SO8318NW CATHEDRAL PRECINCTS 844-1/8/57 North Precinct Wall 23/01/52 (Formerly Listed as: CATHEDRAL PRECINCTS Remains of Abbey wall, Abbot's Palace; Little Cloisters & Monastic remains on N)


Part of the precinct wall of the former Abbey of St Peter on the south side of Pitt Street between the entrance to the King's School (qv), on the north side of the precinct, and the north-west corner of the precinct at the junction of Pitt Street and St Mary's Street. Originally C12, the eastern half heightened and altered c1535 for Abbot Parker to serve as the north wall of a long gallery at first-floor level and linked to the Abbot's House; after 1540 the Bishop's Palace, which except for the wall was demolished in the mid C19; the wall repaired at various dates. Rubble, ashlar and brick. A length of wall which incorporates some of the fenestration of the former C16 gallery added against it. EXTERIOR: the north front of the wall facing Pitt Street of rubble with weathered coping to most of its length, at left-hand end a boldly projecting C19 buttress to right of the entrance to the forecourt of the King's School. From the buttress to the right at the first-floor level of the former C16 long gallery is a four-light window with stone mullions and Tudor-arched lights in a moulded stone frame with eared hoodmould, further right a late C16 or early C17 two-light stone-mullioned window; to right of this, in the approximate centre of the former gallery, an oriel window of four-lights to front and canted, single, side-lights on an ashlar apron supported on steeply raked corbelling courses of ashlar, the window with stone mullions, Tudor arches in the lights, and a moulded stone sill, at the base of the corbelling the wall strengthened by the addition of a low buttress with weathered offset; to right of oriel a late C16 two-light window and further right a three-light window with arched lights, both with details similar to the two windows to the left of the oriel; further right the end of the former gallery indicated by the reduction in the height of the wall which then continues to the north-west corner of the precinct and returns on the west flank facing St Mary's Street. Scheduled Ancient Monument.

Listing NGR: SO8311218928