Church of St Agnes Manchester, England

Listed Building Data

Church of St Agnes has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
6 June 1994
Grid Reference
SJ 86959 94860

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.


SJ89SE SLADE LANE, Longsight 698-1/9/736 (West side) Church of St Agnes


Also known as: Church of St Agnes HAMILTON ROAD Longsight. Church. 1884-5, by Medland and Henry Taylor, with north aisle added 1895; slightly altered. Speckled brick in English bond, with red brick dressings and steeply-pitched red tiled roof. Arts and Crafts style. Nave with south porch and canted-bay west window, north aisle with apsidal west end and 2-storey transept at east end, south chapel in the form of coupled transepts to the nave and chancel, chancel with triangular apse; and a roof bellcote. The nave, 4 bays with buttresses and low eaves, has a gabled porch to the 1st bay with 2-centred arched doorway chamfered in 3 orders, steeply-pitched roof carried down to low eaves; windows of 2, 3 and 3 lancet lights, and a gabled dormer in the roof, and playfully-designed bellcote on the ridge with a lateral pitched roof surmounted by a fleche; and the coupled gables of the chapel have 2-light lancets. The west end is emphatically asymmetrical, having a tall canted bay to the nave with tall cusped lancets and hipped roof, one small lancet to the left and 3 to the right, and to the left, projecting from the west end of the aisle, a semicircular apse which has lancet windows and a 2-centred arched doorway with hoodmould above carried round. The north side of the aisle has three 3-light windows of stepped lancet lights under tall gables, beyond these a large red-brick gabled dormer half-way up the slope, with a window of 3 cusped lights, and at the east end 2-storeyed transept. The triangular apse to the chancel has a foundation stone dated July 1884, and in each of its 2 sides two 2-light windows with cusped lights. Interior: very fine deeply arch-braced kingpost roof with wind-braced purlins, common rafters with collars, and diagonal roof boarding; 3-bay aisle arcade with short cylindrical piers and stepped 2-centred arches of brick (openings now filled with C20 glazed screens), and aisle (now church hall) with exposed wooden gable roofs; 2-centred chancel arch with polychrome voussoirs, on short quatrefoil piers; chancel with 2-bay south arcade of 2-centred brick arches (the centre open and Y-shaped); baptistry in canted apse at west end of nave.

Listing NGR: SJ8695994860