Chantry House Bakewell, England

Listed Building Data

Chantry House has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
7 January 1970
Derbyshire Dales
Grid Reference
SK 21529 68520

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.


SK2168 NORTH CHURCH STREET 831-1/4/143 (South side) 07/01/70 Chantry House (Formerly Listed as: CHURCH LANE (East side) Chantry House)


House. Medieval origin rebuilt c1780. Deeply-coursed sandstone and limestone rubble; Welsh slate and concrete tile roof. L-plan. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys with cellar. 4-window range to entrance front and 3-window range to right return facing North Church Street. Entrance front: bay 3 has part-glazed 6-panel door in porch with trellised front and swept leaded roof. Projecting stone sills to ashlar surrounds: 8/8 sash to left of porch and two 6/6 sashes over. Bay one has 2-light, square-faced mullioned windows with 4/4 sashes. Bay 4 with 8/8 sash to each floor; arcaded plaque to gable; ashlar copings. Stone end stack on left; ridge stack; rendered stack on ridge behind bay 4 gable. Rear: irregular masonry with C17 panelled door now painted and partly glazed. Right return: rubble limestone with battered plinth and large quoins. Steps at left end and winding steps with iron handrail to doorway on right. Large tripartite sashes with glazing bars cut through a chamfered string course; a Medieval carving of what appears to be a horse's head projects from wall above. Tripartite sash and 2 4/8 sashes to first floor. INTERIOR: chamfered, quoined entrance to arched cellar. Early C19 staircase with turned newel and square rods; earlier balusters to landing. HISTORY: an extensive documentary collection with owner indicates that the site at least has been associated with the priest engaged by the Chantry of Our Lady since the C12 or possibly before. The Chantry property can be traced through to the Dissolution of the Chantries in 1547 when Sir Richard Manners purchased the freehold. There are specific references to the house in C17 documents relating to the rebuilding of churchyard walls. In 1781 a major rebuilding scheme prompted the Society of Antiquaries to publish a drawing of the early fabric; this shows a house of the same form with mullioned windows and the suggestion of a round-archd doorway to first floor in the

manner of a first-floor hall house; also shown is a gable plaque with chalice and missal framed by ancient lettering. (Journal of the Bakewell and District Historical Society: 1990-: 9-12; Collection of Archival Documents).

Listing NGR: SK2152968520