105-115, Baker Street W1 London, England

Listed Building Data

105-115, Baker Street W1 has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
9 January 1970
105-115, BAKER STREET W1
105-115, BAKER STREET W1
City of Westminster
Greater London Authority
Grid Reference
TQ 27925 81873

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

TQ 2881 NW CITY OF WESTMINSTER BAKER STREET, W1 43/7 24.6.83 9.1.70 (No 109) Nos. 105 to 115 (odd). 24.6.83 II GV

Terrace of town houses with some later shop fronts inserted. c.1789 Portman Estate development; Nos. 105 and 111 facades rebuilt in facsimile. Yellow stock brick with Coade stone dressings; slate roofs. Symmetrical, finely proportioned terrace with Nos. 105 and 115 as slightly advanced terminal pavilions. 4 storeys, including attic storey, and dormered mansards to Nos. 105, 111 and 113. Each front 3 windows wide except for 4-window front of No. 111. Nos. 107, 109 and 115 retain original entrances with panelled doors, half columns and delicately patterned fanlights, recessed in semicircular arched openings with Coade, vermiculated quoins, guilloche imposts, vermiculated spaced voussoirs and mask keystones. Upper floors have recessed glazing bar sashes, under flat gauged arches on 2nd and 3rd floors, those on 1st floor semicircular arched and recessed for one order with linking impost string and sill band creating arcade effect. Anthemion ornamented band course over 2nd floor; crowning mutule cornice and blocking course. No. 109 has delicate cast iron balcony to 1st floor. The terrace balances Nos. 94 to 114 and 118 to 124 (even) q.v., opposite.

Listing NGR: TQ2792581873