Church of All Saints Sutton Courtenay, England

Listed Building Data

Church of All Saints has been designated a Grade I listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
9 February 1966
Sutton Courtenay
Vale of White Horse
Grid Reference
SU 50485 94194


Church. Romanesque west tower and nave; Cl3 chancel; C14 north and south aisles, and clerestory; C15 south porch. Coursed stone rubble to south aisle; uncoursed stone rubble to clerestory, chancel, and tower; brick south porch; roofs of clerestory, nave, aisles, and tower not visible; old plain-tile roof to chancel, 4-bay aisled nave, 3-bay chancel, and west tower.

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

SUTTON COURTENAY CHURCH STREET SU5094 (East side) 7/90 Church of All Saints 09/02/66


Church. Romanesque west tower and nave; Cl3 chancel; C14 north and south aisles, and clerestory; C15 south porch. Coursed stone rubble to south aisle; uncoursed stone rubble to clerestory, chancel, and tower; brick south porch; roofs of clerestory, nave, aisles, and tower not visible; old plain-tile roof to chancel, 4-bay aisled nave, 3-bay chancel, and west tower. 2-storey porch to left of centre of south aisle. 4-centred stone archway with quatrefoil spandrels and hood having plank studded door. Inner 2-centre arched doorway with wood tracery-ribbed door. 2-light stone mullion windows with cusped lights and hood moulds to left and right returns of porch and to first floor. 3-light rectilinear tracery windows to left, right of centre, right and to right return of south aisle. 2-light, geometrical tracery window to left return of south aisle. Five 2-light stone mullion windows with cusped lights to clerestory. 4-centred stone arched doorway to centre of chancel with plank door. 3-light Perpendicular tracery window to left of chancel. 2-light reticulated tracery window to right of chancel. East end of chancel: 4-light intersecting tracery window. 3 lancets to left of north side of chancel; 3-light Perpendicular tracery window to right. 3-light rectilinear tracery windows to north aisle. Lancet to right return of north aisle. 2-light geometrical tracery window to left return of north aisle. C20 two-light reticulated tracery window to left of clerestory. Y-tracery windows to left and right of centre of clerestory. 2-light Reticulated tracery window to centre. Tower: of 4 stages. C19 Romanesque doorway to west side with plank door. Romanesque lancets to north and south faces of second stage. Round-arched Romanesque window to west face with dog-tooth moulding to arch, on round columns. 2-light plate-tracery windows to each side of third stage. Corbel to string-course between third and fourth stage. 2-light Y-tracery louvred openings to each face of fourth stage of tower. Interior: arch-braced collar truss roof to chancel. Perpendicular roof to clerestory. Lean-to roofs to aisles. Late C13 tomb recess to chancel with re-cut effigy of priest. (Buildings of England: Berkshire: p235-6, 1975)

Listing NGR: SU5048394191