6, Angel Hill Bury St. Edmunds, England

Listed Building Data

6, Angel Hill has been designated a Grade II* listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
7 August 1952
Bury St. Edmunds
St. Edmundsbury
Grid Reference
TL 85490 64241


House, now offices. Probably 1696 with earlier fragments. Red brick, laid in Flemish Bond with some dark headers, to front and part of north side; remainder timber-framed and rendered; off-centre ridge stack with a tall plain shaft surmounted by 10 pots; steeply-pitched slate roof, fully hipped, with wide eaves and a plain eaves soffit.

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.


TL8564SW ANGEL HILL 639-1/14/164 (West side) 07/08/52 No.6


House, now offices. Probably 1696 with earlier fragments. Red brick, laid in Flemish Bond with some dark headers, to front and part of north side; remainder timber-framed and rendered; off-centre ridge stack with a tall plain shaft surmounted by 10 pots; steeply-pitched slate roof, fully hipped, with wide eaves and a plain eaves soffit. EXTERIOR: 3 storeys and cellars. 5 small-paned sash windows to both first and second storeys and 3 similar but smaller windows to the top storey, all with cased frames, gauged brickwork to heads and timber sills. A large small-paned fixed window with diminished side-lights in the north gable wall and a late C17 2-light casement window with square leading in the attic on the south. A single storey Edwardian extension to part of rear has a canted bay window. Raised brick bands between the storeys. Entrance at the north end into a single storey section which forms part of the main facade: door with 6 flush panels and applied mouldings; rectangular fanlight divided into 3 panes by vertical glazing bars; moulded architrave to cornice and surround. INTERIOR: cellar mainly contemporary with the house, red brick lined with some reused stone blocks, especially in the rear wall; part tunnel-vaulted; one corner fireplace. One section in a low tunnel vault extending below the street appears older: it is mainly flint lined with some Tudor brick in the arch. On the ground floor a dog-leg stair of c1700 with barley-sugar twists, moulded handrail and panelled dado. The principal 2-bay room has a corner fireplace and is surrounded by early C18 floor-to-ceiling pine panelling with panelled internal shutters, all with graining which appears to be original. There is similar panelling and graining in the small room at the south end, with trompe l'oeil panels painted on to the flat surface along the south wall. In this room a bolection-moulded fireplace surround; another in the same style in one of the rear rooms. Also at the rear at the south end is a chamfered C17 main beam with jewelled stops possibly linking with the adjoining property. A half-glazed door leading from the single-storey entrance hall to the Edwardian extension has fine reused painted glass: the head of a bearded man with a cocked hat surrounded by strapwork and cartouches is set against small

square panes painted with floral motifs. On the first floor the principal front room has a corner fireplace with eared mid-C18 surround, frieze with ornate scroll decoration and enriched dentil cornice; one rear room has various sections of reused panelling lining the walls, some linen-fold, some Jacobean. Many of the ceiling beams and joists, seen after the floor-boards were removed for repair, have evidence of re-use; many bear 2 sets of assembly marks;most are set flat. Evidence for the rearrangement of components is especially strong in the attics, and a Kendall print of 1774 shows the roof with 3 gables.

Listing NGR: TL8548364251