Saxons Finchingfield, England

Listed Building Data

Saxons has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
21 December 1967
Grid Reference
TL 68445 32774

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

TL 6832 FINCHINGFIELD THE GREEN (south-east side) 7/49 (Bridge Street) 21.12.67 Saxons (formerly listed as Nos.1/2 (Saxons))


House. Of builds, early C15 or earlier and mid-C16, altered in C19 and C20. Timber framed, plastered, roofed with handmade red clay tiles. Facing NW. 2- bay crosswing at left, early C15 or earlier, of a hall house of which the remainder has been demolished, with Cl9 external stack at rear. 2-bay range at right, mid-C16, with axial stack of c.1600 at the junction, forming a lobby- entrance. C19 single-storey extension with slate roof to rear of right end. Single-storey lean-to extension to rear of middle part, incorporating a gabled 2-storey part which may represent the earlier stair tower, but now mainly C20. 2 storeys. 4-window range of C20 casements, C20 door. Both parts were originally jettied to the front, now underbuilt. Roof hipped and gabled at right end, The crosswing has large plain joists of horizontal section jointed to the binding beam with unrefined central tenons, exposed in the front bay, plastered to the soffits in the rear bay, jowled posts, cambered tiebeam with arched braces, and crownpost roof. The central tiebeam is square with 4-way arched braces. The roof was originally gabled to the front, now altered to a hip but otherwise complete. The main range has a chamfered binding beam with step stops, chamfered bridging beams, and plain joists of horizontal section jointed with soffit tenons with diminished haunches. The upper storey has jowled posts, close studding, diamond mortices for an unglazed window at the right end, and a crownpost roof with thin axial braces. The stack has a chamfered mantel beam with lamb's tongue stops. The 1960 Schedule states that this house was recorded by the RCHM as no. 20, but the map on p. 94 of the RCHM Inventory shows that this is incorrect.

Listing NGR: TL6844532774