Church of St Mary Nonington, England

Listed Building Data

Church of St Mary has been designated a Grade I listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
11 October 1963
Grid Reference
TR 25307 52348

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

NONINGTON PINNERS LANE TR 25 SE (north side) 3/153 Church of St.Mary 11.10.63 GV I Parish church. Late C13, restored 1867 (Ewan Christian), and 1887. Flint with plain tiled roof. Nave and chancel with north chapel and north aisle with north west tower and north porch. Two stage tower with string course and battlements. Nave west front with simple chamfered doorway, 3 light Perpendicular window and offset angle buttresses. C19 fenestration elsewhere except 1 lancet in nave and 2 each in chancel and chapel and triple lancet East windows to both chancels, with ogee headed C15 windows to north aisle. Irregularly placed buttresses throughout. C19 north porch with hollow and roll moulded north doorway with attached shafts. Interior; west end of nave with line of corbels and carved head and blocked arch to tower. Continuous arcade from nave and chancel to north aisle and chapel, 3 bays in the nave 2 in the chancel, with round piers with moulded bases and capitals and double chamfered arches. The western respond sits on a fine carved head. Nave roof with 3 crown posts. The wall thickens by the chancel arch with a rood loft passage to the north aisle. Broad double chamfered chancel arch on lozenge shaped pier with deeply rebated lancet at east end of nave. Trussed rafter roof in chancel. Lancets in chancel originally on continuous string course with moulded hoods over, heavily altered. Deep, tall eastern lancets. North aisle and chapel with simple double chamfered dividing arch. Long roof to aisle with only 2 crown posts and 3 in chapel. Fittings; stop chamfered piscina in chancel. C19 fittings, lectern, pulpit, altar rails, marble reredos of 1891 with tiled inscription plaques. Mutilated moulded elliptical wall recess in north chapel, now with ogee headed window in back wall. Simple font with octagonal bowl on round stem, dated: I N . Glass; 1662 C15 fragments in a north aisle window. Monuments; C19 series of black and white wall tablets in the chancel to the Hammond family and in the north chapel to the Plumptre family, none of any note except that to Elizabeth Plumptre,d.1816,a plain white sarcophagus shaped field on guilloched base with draped urn over, and Christopher Pemberton,d.1822 of 'Tic Doulereux' (trigeminal neuralgia),a white and black tablet with acroteria, pediment and palm fronds and coats of arms. Small marble plaque on chancel east wall with brass shield and inscription to William Simpson,d.1581, 'vice Marchell of Calys'. Anthony Field, C17,black and white marble wall tablet with Latin and English verses pregnant with puns on the name Field,with scrolled apron with winged cherubs and ribband enriched side pieces with broken pediment, strapwork and skulls. Two wall tablets in the north aisle, both C17 and both illegible, the one with scrolled and bracketed apron and side pieces to cornice with cartouche and arms medallion over, the other with scrolled apron with oak leaf decoration and 2 cherbub heads with enriched Corinthian pilasters to cornice with arched headed inscription plaque. Four lozenge shaped hatchments of Hammond family in the chancel. The church was a chapelry of Wingham until1282, then refounded as a benefice for Wingham College (seeB.0.E. Kent 1983,404;seealso A.Sutton, Nonington,1975).

Listing NGR: TR2534252361