Egyptian Theatre Coos Bay, Oregon

  • profile image of Holly Hayes Visit report by Holly Hayes [admin] on May 26, 2023

    We wandered in on a Friday afternoon in June 2022, explaining to the folks behind the concession stand that we were just interested in the building. To our amazement, a friendly lady replied that we were welcome to wander around! Apparently they were booked for a scheduled private party (showing "Shrek") but no one had showed up. What wonderful luck! (For us at least.)

    We had a great time exploring and were wowed by the huge auditorium and exotic decor. The friendly lady, whose name was June, caught up with us after awhile to offer some history and information about the theater and its restoration, which was fantastic. She's a volunteer for the Egyptian Theatre Preservation Association, which operates and cares for the theater.

    We learned that this is one of only two Egyptian Theaters on the West Coast - the other is Grauman's Egyptian in Hollywood - and this one is much more intact in its original design. In addition to the well-preserved interior design details, they still have the original stage fittings and organ.

    My architect partner noted interesting lines on the ceiling and asked June about them: apparently the building was divided into three auditoriums at some point, but the extra two were removed as part of restorations. She also mentioned the building was once used as a jail.

    Their main restoration concern right now is the stage that slopes down towards the back and a leaking backstage (she wryly pointed out that Coos Bay was originally named Marshfield). They've been trying to get the City of Coos Bay, who owns the theater, to take care of that for several years.

    She pointed out the original organ, dating from the theater's opening in 1925, and told us about the organist who has played there for decades (and still does once a week). She said she dreads him passing away and losing that tradition.

    What an amazing opportunity to be able to explore that piece of history with such a guide. Thank you, June!

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