Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence Albany, New York

  • Comment by Paul Stewart ( on June 19, 2013

    The official name of the place is - The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence. That is how is is listed on the National Register, State Register, and how we refer to it in all official communications. It is not the Stephen and Harriet Myers House. The name "Residence" was specifically picked because they did not own the building when they lived there. The word "Resdience" also has an elegance that is greater than just "house". Further, when we speak of certain wealthy people's homes we call this or that a "mansion" and this more modest home was the place where a struggling African American couple and their children lived for a short time and also acted aggressively as part of the Underground Railroad. Those of us who started the restoration project prefer to call it a "Residence". We do not call it a "House". Can you do the same?

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