Millennium Bridge London, England

  • London Overview posted October 26, 2012 by Holly Hayes

    Tonight my last night London tomorrow afternoon I board Eurostar for Paris! This has been my longest stay London ever - almost two weeks - it has been wonderful London one my favorite cities I always leave wishing I had been able stay a lit

  • Some Snaps from London posted October 18, 2012 by Holly Hayes

    I am having a very good productive time London so far I've officially extended my stay here a total 12 days It very nice not have pack up lug my suitcase on a train for such a long time have an opportunity explore London greater depth than

  • A Day in Bath and London posted October 14, 2012 by Holly Hayes

    So I've decided my traditional approach blogging chronological order for birds From now on I'm going post what I want to regardless what order it happened in! So although I still have photos stories share from Peterborough {place36872|Cambr