Watt Cottage (1470 Chemeketa St NE) Salem, Oregon

National Register of Historic Places Data

Watt Cottage (1470 Chemeketa St NE) has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places as part of the Court Street--Chemeketa Street Historic District. The following information has been imported from the National Register database and/or the Nomination Form . Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

National Register ID
Date Listed
August 26, 1987
Court Street--Chemeketa Street Historic District
An irregularly shaped area of appr. 38.57 acres bounded by the closures of Court Street & Chemeketa St. on the west, Mill Creek on the north & east, and on the south by the rear lot lines of properties on the south side of Court St.
Level of Sig.
Areas of Sig.


Text courtesy of the National Register of Historic Places, a program of the National Parks Service. Minor transcription errors or changes in formatting may have occurred; please see the Nomination Form PDF for official text. Some information may have become outdated since the property was nominated for the Register.

1470 Chemeketa Street, NE; Assessor's Map 26BA 7-3W
Tax Lot 86010-010
Owner: Grace P. Wellsandt Lambert, 1470 Chemeketa Street, NE, Salem, OR 97301 Primary Contributing

This is a simple, one-story Bungalow, frontgabled with a full front (north-facing) porch contained within the body of the house. The porch is supported by four unadorned square piers. Triangular knee braces support the gable overhangs; rafter ends are exposed along the side eaves. Surfacing is simple drop siding.


Text courtesy of the National Register of Historic Places, a program of the National Parks Service. Minor transcription errors or changes in formatting may have occurred; please see the Nomination Form PDF for official text. Some information may have become outdated since the property was nominated for the Register.

This house was built by the Watt family on a fraction of Lot 1, Block 1 of Watts Addition, immediately to the east of the earlier Watt cottage (#124). In 1907, Sarah E. Smith, widow of Joseph Watt and Fabritus Smith, is listed in the City Directory as living on the "south side Chemeketa, 1 west of 15th," the address of this house. It possibly was built for Mrs. Smith c. 1906. Both this and #124 remained in the Watt family until 1946, when Alma Watt Chessman, the last surviving child of James and Flora Watt, sold them.