Verron Broch, Platform and Cultivation Rigs Sandwick, Scotland

Scheduled Monument Data

Verron Broch, Platform and Cultivation Rigs has been designated a scheduled monument in Scotland with the following information. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since scheduling.

Historic Scotland ID
Verron, broch, platform and cultivation rigs, N of Bay of Skaill
Orkney Islands
Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch; Secular: field system
Date Listed
31 March 1940
Date Amended
30 September 1996
Date Updated
5 June 2018

Scheduled Monument Description

Text courtesy of Historic Environment Scotland. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

The monument comprises the remains of an Iron Age broch and outer enclosure, a nearby platform which may represent a settlement site, and an area of medieval or early modern cultivation rigs.

The broch survives as a hollow-centred mound standing to some 2m above the surrounding ground level. On the SW side there is an eroding area at the head of the cliffs, in which up to 1m of Iron Age midden and masonry is visible, but the main structure of the broch appears not to have suffered to any great extent. About 25m away from the centre of the mound a line of large earthfast stones is visible, protruding through the turf, and curving on an arc roughly concentric with the broch. This may represent the former line of an outer enclosure. About 30m beyond this, in an ESE direction from the broch, is a low rectangular platform. This is grass-covered and measures about 15m across by at least 20m long, elongated NNE-SSW. This may be the remains of a settlement, and the fact that it is respected by the extensive and well-preserved cultivation rigs which occupy the area between the cliffs and the fence some 50m-70m to the N suggests that it is earlier than this cultivation episode. The rigs themselves are an unusual survival in Orkney, and date to a period before the early 19th-century agricultural improvements.

The area to be scheduled is a considerable extension on the small area protected around the broch since 1940. The area now to be scheduled includes the broch, the outer line of stones, the platform and an area of cultivation rigs, all as described above. It is bounded on the N by a modern fence (which is excluded) and on the NW, W, SW and S by the top edge of the coastal cliffs. The boundary on the E is not defined by any physical landmark. This area measures a maximum of 155m E-W by a maximum of 70m N-S and is shown in red on the accompanying map.