Skae Frue Mound 300m SW of Buckan Sandwick, Scotland

Scheduled Monument Data

Skae Frue Mound 300m SW of Buckan has been designated a scheduled monument in Scotland with the following information. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since scheduling.

Historic Scotland ID
Skae Frue, mound 300m SW of Buckan
Orkney Islands
Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain)
Date Listed
1 August 1938
Date Amended
30 September 1996

Scheduled Monument Description

Text courtesy of Historic Environment Scotland. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

The monument consists of a large mound, probably a prehistoric burial mound. It was scheduled in 1938, but the area protected was too small. This scheduling expands the scheduled area.

The mound is of earth and contains a number of large earth-fast stones, probably the remains of burial chambers or cists. It was excavated around 1850, and contained four human burials with no associated artefacts. The mound is about 23.5m in diameter and stands up to 2.4m high, with a flattened top.

The area to be scheduled is a circle 35m across, lacking a small portion on the E side, where the boundary is formed by a modern fence, which is not included in the scheduling. This includes the mound and a small area around it, in which evidence relating to its construction and use may survive. The area is shown in red on the accompanying map extract.