Santa Fe Trail - Cimarron National Grassland Segment 2 Elkhart (Cimarron National Grassland), Kansas

National Register of Historic Places Data

Santa Fe Trail - Cimarron National Grassland Segment 2 has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places with the following information, which has been imported from the National Register database and/or the Nomination Form. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

National Register ID
Date Listed
April 3, 2013
Santa Fe Trail-Cimarron National Grassland Segment 2
Other Names
14MT1115, KHRI # 129-170
Part of
Santa Fe Trail MPS (Multiple Property Submission)
1.66 mi. S. of KS 51 & 1 mi. E. of Cty. Rd. 2
Level of Sig.
Areas of Sig.


Text courtesy of the National Register of Historic Places, a program of the National Parks Service. Minor transcription errors or changes in formatting may have occurred; please see the Nomination Form PDF for official text. Some information may have become outdated since the property was nominated for the Register.

The Santa Fe Trail - Cimarron National Grassland Segment 2 is nationally significant as a historic resource of the Santa Fe Trail under Criterion A for its association with transportation and commerce along the Santa Fe Trail from 1822 to 1868 and under Criterion D for its potential to yield information on the use of the trail during its period of significance. The trail segment and contributing land area retain a good degree of integrity in terms of location, setting, feeling, and association. The period of significance begins with the initiation of wagon movement over this segment of the Cimarron Route in 1822 and ends with the arrival of the Union Pacific Eastern Division Railroad at the town of Sheridan, Kansas in June 1868. This site materially reflects important historic events outlined in the historic contexts International Trade on the Mexican Road, 1821-1846; The Mexican-American War and the Santa Fe Trail , 1846-1848; Expanding National Trade on the Santa Fe Trail, 1848-1861; The Effects of the Civil War on the Santa Fe Trail, 1861-1865; and The Santa Fe Trail and the Railroad, 1865-1880, as well as The Santa Fe Trail in Kansas.