Woodlark Building Portland, Oregon

National Register of Historic Places Data

Woodlark Building has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places with the following information, which has been imported from the National Register database and/or the Nomination Form . Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

National Register ID
Date Listed
August 8, 2014
Woodlark Building
Part of
N/A (Multiple Property Submission)
813-817 SW. Alder St.
Level of Sig.
Areas of Sig.


Text courtesy of the National Register of Historic Places, a program of the National Parks Service. Minor transcription errors or changes in formatting may have occurred; please see the Nomination Form PDF for official text. Some information may have become outdated since the property was nominated for the Register.

The Woodlark Building was completed in August 1912 as the home of the pioneer Portland drug and pharmacy concerns operated by Woodard, Clarke & Company and the Clarke-Woodward Drug Company.11 The building is among the earliest skyscrapers to be built in Portland's Midtown Block area and helped to establish a center of medical offices in this area. Designed by the notable firm of Doyle, Patterson & Beach, the Woodlark Building has strong connections to the history of pharmacy in Oregon and remains an excellent example of the fireproof office buildings that were constructed west of the Portland's traditional downtown during the expansion of the business district during the first quarter of the 20th century. The Woodlark Building is significant under Criterion A, for its association with the history of pharmacology in Oregon, and under Criterion C, as an exemplar of early fireproof high-rise design and construction in downtown Portland, both at a local level of significance.