Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde NP, Colorado
Image ID
Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, USA
Spruce Tree House, c. 1200. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado.
created July 26, 2021 | added October 8, 2021 | updated January 13, 2025
Holly Hayes
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM
52 mm · 0.00250 sec · ISO 160
Image Size
6720 x 4480 px (30 MP)
map of Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde NP, Colorado map of Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde NP, Colorado
aerial view of Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde NP, Colorado
Location maps and aerial view of Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde NP, Colorado in Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, USA. Click a map to enlarge and zoom; click again to close.
Interactive aerial view of Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde NP, Colorado in Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, USA. Click top-right corner for full-screen view. close
Interactive location map of Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde NP, Colorado in Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, USA. Click top-right corner for full-screen view. close