Seattle to Minnesota

posted September 23, 2012 by Holly Hayes part of trip: Colorado Road Trip 2021

Greetings new and old blog readers! I have just begun my main photography trip of 2012, which I'll do my best to document here. The trip will be about six weeks long and starts with some family visiting in Seattle and Minnesota before continuing on to the UK and France.

The journey began on Wednesday, when David and I drove up from Portland to Seattle. We spent a few hours downtown as well as across the water at Alki Beach, taking lots of pictures and just enjoying one of our favorite cities.

Starbucks Headquarters
Starbucks Headquarters, which was originally built for Sears as a catalog distribution center in 1912.

Seattle Cityscape
Seattle skyline

Seattle Architecture
Closer look at some Seattle architecture, including the

next: F. Scott Fitzgerald in St. Paul

previous: Vegas Highlights Part II

Article Info

Page Title
Seattle to Minnesota
Added By
Holly Hayes
Date Published
September 23, 2012
Last Updated
April 15, 2024