This evening we were in Windsor to look at some apartments for rent. Windsor is of course home to Windsor Castle, where the Queen lives (sometimes). But it's also only 10 minutes' drive from Slough, where David works, so it would be ideal for his commute.
I took the train there from Oxford (only 48 minutes), arriving with enough time to wander around a bit before meeting David for our appointment. I had a great time, as Windsor is really nice. I'd only been there briefly once or twice but David goes all the time and loves it. It has the castle, of course, which is very impressive. It also has quaint old streets and houses like you'd see in Bath, as well as fantastic shops and restaurants of the sort you'd see in London.
After looking at the apartments we had dinner at Wagamama (one of our favorite London restaurants that we were very pleased to find in Windsor) and then went for a little sightseeing. The sun even came out for it! Sunshine has been very rare these days. Below are some snaps David took with his beautiful new wide-angle lens, which we are very enamored with.

Satellite view of the huge Windsor Castle and other landmarks (click to enlarge), courtesy of Google Earth. Our photo above is just of the far west wall.

next: “Day Out in Oxfordshire: Three Churches and a Roman Villa”
The Go Historic Blog documents travels to historic places, along with news and features related to history, architecture, & art.