On Saturday afternoon, after completing the morning errands in Oxford and watching the Formula One qualifying race (which is in Britain this weekend!), we went for a walk around our new hometown of Great Milton. We had a wonderful time.

"Downtown" Great Milton. An hourly bus leaves here to go into Oxford.

We explored Le Manoir's property in depth this time, although we are probably not supposed to as non-customers. We just tried to look like we belonged and no one asked questions! Thankfully some rich people dress down. :)

But this was the best part of all. As we were heading out of Le Manoir and admiring the fancy cars in the parking lot, we heard a helicopter overhead. Soon we realized it was landing nearby! Right next to the parking lot is a small, grassy helipad.

We were SO jealous. We figured they were either arriving at Le Manoir from London, or had been out to some nearby tourist destination for the day. How awesome would that be? I have come to really hate airports, and trains and crowded roads are not a lot of fun either, so if I could afford a helicopter I would totally suck up my fear of heights and use it regularly!
After the pilots made lots of adjustments overhead and turned off the rotor, we watched three happy, rich-looking women in linen pants and high heels emerge and head for their hotel room. Nice.
After they left, we approached the helicopter and David asked the pilot if he could take a picture. He clearly gets this a lot: he beckoned each of us in turn to come pose with him for pictures.
Then he said he had to be going, but would be back in about a half an hour. He seemed to assume we were staying there and might actually use the helicopter, which was awesome.
David asked where he was going, and get this: he was a shuttle to the Formula One race! Of all things! We should have thought of that, as the Silverstone race track is just north of Oxford. The traffic approaching the race track is notoriously bad, so this would just be the coolest thing ever.

Then he was off within minutes. The takeoff was so much fun to watch. We were joined by a local family on a walk with their kids and a dog and we all waved at him as he flew away.

That excitement behind us, we headed back home via a footpath through the fields, which began on the delightfully-named Lower End road. One of the things England really has going for are the many great names of streets and villages.

We have been disappointed there aren't more animals on the farm - especially cats, which have been nowhere to be seen - but while we were out exploring back here, we did discover he has pigs!
The Go Historic Blog documents travels to historic places, along with news and features related to history, architecture, & art.