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43 BCE
Mark Antony marries Octavian's sister, cementing the Second Triumvirate of Antony, Octavian and Lepidus.
37 BCE
Antony and Cleopatra marry in Antioch (modern Antakya, Turkey).
Lorenzo Ghiberti marries 16-year-old Marsilia, the daughter of wood carder Bartolomeo di Luca.
25 Jan 1533
King Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn at Whitehall Palace, London. As the pope had not granted a divorce from his first wife, the marriage leads to Henry's excommunication and eventual break with the Roman Catholic church.
30 May 1536
Henry VIII marries Jane Seymour at Whitehall
John Calvin marries
Nov 1582
William Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway
Charles Darwin weds first cousin Emma Wedgwood
2 Jun 1886
President Grover Cleveland marries Frances Folsom in the White House
Pablo Picasso marries Olga Khokhlova in Paris. The newlyweds move to 23 Rue La Boétie.
20 Nov 1947
Wedding of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip
3 Oct 1992
Barack Obama marries Michelle Robinson at Trinity United Church of Christ
29 Apr 2011
Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton