20, 26, 28 Renfield Lane and St Vincent Lane, Former Daily Record Building Glasgow, Scotland

Listed Building Data

20, 26, 28 Renfield Lane and St Vincent Lane, Former Daily Record Building has been designated a scheduled monument in Scotland with the following information. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

Historic Scotland ID
376527 (entity ID)
Building ID
Canmore ID
20, 26, 28 Renfield Lane and St Vincent Lane, Former Daily Record Building
Glasgow, City Of
Date Listed
15 December 1970

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

Charles Rennie Mackintosh (John Honeyman and Keppie), 1900-01 and 1903-04. Art Nouveau three-storey and five-storey and attic commercial building. Glazed brick and ashlar dressings. Eight bays to Renfield Lane: elliptically headed, arched ground floor loading bays with timber mullioned glazing and glazed brick aprons. Four east bays plain on upper floors. Ground floor plain blue brick frieze; vestigial cornice. Four-bay western section: stylised, keyblocked entry in second bay from east, shallow canted bay above rising through full main height; canted bays above third floor. All windows imitation sash and case horizontally pivoting, mainly with geometric glazing bars and tapering pilaster mullions, eaves cornice; decorative pattern of advanced header bricks through full-height; three ashlar dormers with sculpted heads; architraved, sculpted taller light above east bay; single eastern return bowed bay with single light with ashlar surround and blocked head with low relief sculpture. Elevation to St Vincent Lane: four bays of sash and case windows; cill band at first floor, cills at upper floors; tapering pilaster mullions: stepped brick cornice; steeply splayed plinth.

Listed Building Statement of Special Interest

Text courtesy of Historic Environment Scotland. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

The individuality of the detailing and the use of materials on the Daily Record Building is typical of Mackintosh's emerging style and served to sucessfully distinguish the building against those of rival newspapers. In his design of the elevation on Renfield Lane, Mackintosh drew on Scottish Baronial architecture of the 16th and 17th centuries, as he had done earlier at the Glasgow Herald building. For example, the cantilevered canted bays on the fourth floor echo those on the southern front of Huntly Castle in Aberdeenshire, which dates from around 1600–10 (Mackintosh Architecture). Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928) was born in Glasgow and is regarded internationally as one of the leading architects and designers of the 20th century. He became known as a pioneer of Modernism, although his architecture took much inspiration from Scottish Baronial, and Scottish and English vernacular forms and their reinterpretation. The synthesis of modern and traditional forms led to a distinctive form of Scottish arts and crafts design, known as 'The Glasgow Style'. This was developed in collaboration with contemporaries Herbert McNair, and the sisters Francis and Margaret Macdonald (who would become his wife in 1900), who were known as 'The Four'. The Glasgow Style is now synonymous with Mackintosh and the City of Glasgow. Mackintosh's work is wide-ranging and includes public, educational and religious buildings to private houses, interior decorative schemes and sculptures. He is associated with over 150 design projects, ranging from being the principal designer, to projects he was involved with as part of the firm of John Honeyman & Keppie (Honeyman, Keppie & Mackintosh from 1901). The most important work during this partnership was the Glasgow School of Art (LB33105), which was built in two phases from 1897 and culminated in the outstanding library of 1907. Other key works include the Willow Tea Rooms (LB33173), the Glasgow Herald Building (now The Lighthouse) (LB33087) and Hill House (LB34761), which display the modern principles of the German concept of 'Gesamtkunstwerk', meaning the 'synthesis of the arts'. This is something that Mackintosh applied completely to all of his work, from the exterior to the internal decorative scheme and the furniture and fittings. Mackintosh left Glasgow in 1914, setting up practice in London the following year. Later he and Margaret moved to France, where until his death, his artistic output largely turned to textile design and watercolours. Listed building record revised in 2019.

Listed Building References

Text courtesy of Historic Environment Scotland. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

References: Printed Sources Brown, A (2018) Charles Rennie Mackintosh Making the Glasgow Style. Glasgow: Glasgow Museums. Cooper, J. (editor) (1984) Mackintosh architecture: the complete buildings and selected projects. London: Academy. Crawford, A (1995) Charles Rennie Mackintosh. London: Thomas and Hudson. Doak (ed) (1977) No 720. Howarth, T. (1977) Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Modern Movement. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, pp.174-5. Neat, T. & McDermott, G. (2002) Closing The Circle Thomas Howarth, Mackintosh and the Modern Movement. Aberdour: Inyx publishing. Robertson, P. (editor) (1990) Mackintosh: The Architectural Papers. Wendlebury: White Cockade Publishing. Online Sources Dictionary of Scottish Architects, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, http://www.scottisharchitects.org.uk/architect_full.php?id=200362 (accessed 30/05/2019). University of Glasgow, Mackintosh Architecture, M182 Daily Record building, https://www.mackintosh-architecture.gla.ac.uk/catalogue/freetext/display/?rs=7&xml=int&q=daily%20record (accessed 31/05/2019).