Abbey Strand, Eern Building, Abbey Sanctuary' Edinburgh, Scotland

Listed Building Data

Abbey Strand, Eern Building, Abbey Sanctuary' has been designated a scheduled monument in Scotland with the following information. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

Historic Scotland ID
365663 (entity ID)
Building ID
Canmore ID
Abbey Strand, Eastern Building, 'abbey Sanctuary'
Edinburgh, City Of
Date Listed
14 December 1970

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

Early 16th century with 17th century and later additions and alterations (see Notes). 2-storey, roughly L-plan complex comprising three buildings (now connected internally) and adjoining harled 16th century 'Western Building' (see separate listing). Rubble built with sandstone dressings. Chamfered margins. PRINCIPAL (S) ELEVATION: comprises three unequally sized crowstepped gables; later segmental-arched opening to right, now entrance to shop; irregular fenestration. Forestair with lean-to timber and stone porch to far left rising to 1st floor doorway at W elevation. Section to SE is slightly higher with pantiled garret. Forestair to rear (W) elevation rising to timber outshot supported by timber columns. Two timber doors at re-entrant angle; pedimented dormer breaking eaves to right and attic dormer, above left. Multi-pane glazing to timber sash and case windows. Graded Scottish grey slate to S block; pantiled to N. Broad axial stack to W block and end stacks to garreted section. Cast iron rainwater goods. INTERIOR: Shallow-moulded plasterwork ceiling to ground floor rear. Narrow steps between split-level rooms at rear. Some moulded stone fireplaces remaining.

Listed Building Statement of Special Interest

Text courtesy of Historic Environment Scotland. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

The ground beneath the Palace of Holyroodhouse and nearby structures (including Croft-an-Righ House, the buildings on the N side of Abbey Strand and the buildings around Mews Court) is scheduled under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 for its archaeological importance. The upstanding remains of Holyrood Abbey and Queen Mary's Bath are also scheduled monuments. Significant upstanding and below-ground archaeological remains may survive as part of and in addition to the structures and features described above. Situated in a key location beside the main gated entrance to the Palace at the foot of the Canongate, Abbey Strand Eastern Building is a very rare 16th century survival. Altered during the 20th century, it retains much of its historic character and is an important part of streetscape, contributing to the wider group of buildings associated with the Palace of Holyroodhouse. Its three unequally sized crowstepped gables and its forestairs to front and rear are particularly distinctive elements. Originally constructed as an extension to the Western Abbey Strand apartments, it follows the original building line. These domestic buildings in Abbey Strand were probably part of the 16th century almonry in the vicinity and may also have been leased for commercial use, as happened at Westminister Abbey. Owned by the Earl of Rosebury in the early part of the 20th century, the buildings were in multiple occupancy until 1933 when they were declared unfit for human habiatation. At this time, following the removal of the tenants, the buildings were purchased by the Crown and subsequently restored. The alterations, including the large segmentally-arched pend and extension of the simple 17th century compartmented ceiling at the first floor, were undertaken by H.M.Office of Works in 1935. It should be recognised that significant upstanding and below-ground archaeological remains may survive here as part of and in addition to the structures and features described above. Part of A-group comprising: Palace of Holyroodhouse; 28 and 30 Croft-An-Righ (Croft-An-Righ House); Abbey Strand Eastern Building; Abbey Strand Western Building; North Garden Sundial; Palace Forecourt Fountain; Abbey Court House; Gatehouse and Former Guard Rooms; Palace Coach House; Stables; Queen's Gallery (see separate listings). List description revised as part of the Edinburgh Holyrood Ward resurvey (2007/08). List description updated 2013.

Listed Building References

Text courtesy of Historic Environment Scotland. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

John Gifford et al, Buildings of Scotland - Edinburgh, (1991) p218. Charles McKean, Edinburgh - An Illustrated Architectural Guide (1992) p23. G Ewart, D Gallagher and D Stewart, 'Abbey Strand, City of Edinburgh (City parish of Edinburgh), standing building recording', Discovery Excavation Scotland - 3, 45 (2002). References from previous list description: Inv. 90; MacRae - Royal Mile Report 57. C & D Arch IV p474.