Cloisters to Cathedral Church of St Andrew Wells, England

Listed Building Data

Cloisters to Cathedral Church of St Andrew has been designated a Grade I listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
12 November 1953
Grid Reference
ST 55116 45814

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.


ST5445 CATHEDRAL GREEN 662-1/7/34 (East side) 12/11/53 Cloisters to Cathedral Church of St Andrew (Formerly Listed as: CATHEDRAL GREEN Cathedral Church of St Andrew (including Chain Gate and Cloisters))


Cloisters. Early C13. The walks renewed in 3 stages in C15: 1420-35 to east; 1460-70 to west; 1490-1508 to south. Doulting ashlar with pink rubble to outer walls; lead roofs. Inner sides have 2 storeys of 13 bays to the N and S ranges, and a single storey of 11 bays to the E, articulated by buttresses to a drip and coped parapet. Each bay has a full-width 6-light window with a shallow arch springing from the buttress sides, with Perpendicular tracery and a transom; on the first-floors are 2 flat-arched mullion windows with trefoil heads, and gargoyles over alternate buttresses, though none on the E range. The N bays are narrower with shallow-arched doorways; on the N range project 2 low, shallow paired arches with weathered coping to bays 4 and 6 from the N. The early C13 outer walls of pink rubble, formerly rendered, with late C15 upper walls and buttresses: the S range has C14 crenellated gables each end, that to the E with an early C13 trefoil-arched entrance containing a cinquefoil cusped doorway and C13 door. The E range has a semi-octagonal stair turret at the N end; the 3 N bays formerly the 1488 W wall of the Cloister Lady Chapel are ashlar, the outer ones with 4 trefoil-arched mullion windows, the central bay with a doorway beneath a shallow gabled cornice, with good tracery panels with ogee cinquefoil heads and 2 upper mullion windows, and extending onto the flanking buttresses. Vault shafts with mouchettes to the springers of lierne vaults forming octagons, with bosses and central carved panels; the W range has an external segmental-arched doorway with stiff leaf capitals 4 bays from the N, and a Tudor-arched doorway in the first bay from the N; the entrance to the S transept set to the right of the cloister, with an early C13 arch of 2 orders one a richly-carved foliate arch, on banded shafts, with a Perpendicular panelled ribbed door. The first-floor library in the E range c1430 has arch-braced cambered tie beams, with 11 C13 head corbels to the N end, and a roll-moulded ridge. MONUMENTS: There is a generous scattering of wall tablets in the 3 walks, mostly of the late C18 and C19, and generally of white marble. Numbering bays from the left those of special interest include: E walk, bay 3 a large baroque cartouche to Richard HEALY, of 1713, and plainer tablet to Nathaniel PALMER, d.1706: bay 6 has a carved tablet above a moulded tomb or door surround, and in bays & and 8, set to the wall at bench level, 2 large carved bosses from Stillington's chapel; in bay 11 a large plain panel to William CLAVER MORRIS, d.1726, surmounted by a marble bust, and carried on a florid coat of arms; bay 13 has a large plinth memorial to Peter DAVIS, carved in 1749 by Benjamin Bastard of Sherborne. On the plinth a weeping cherub, against a lofty dark marble pyramid. S walk, bay 8 a plain inscribed tablet to Bishop CREYGHTON, d 1672, surmounted by a bishop's mitre; bay 10 has 2 upright medieval stone coffins; in bay 11 a small baroque cartouche with cherubs, and dense, wayward lettering, to Samuel HILL, d.1715/16, and in bay 13 a full-height monuments, the finest in the cloister, to Bishop George HOOPER, d.1727, including cherubs, supporting columns and open baroque pediment. The W walk has many scattered tablets, but in bay 6 a large high relief figure in white marble on plinth to John PHELIPS, d.1834, signed by Chantrey.

Listing NGR: ST5510945816