13-17, High Street Fareham, England

Listed Building Data

13-17, High Street has been designated a Grade II* listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
18 October 1955
Grid Reference
SU 58241 06325

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

SU 5806 SW FAREHAM HIGH STREET (West side) 899/1/10016 Nos.13-16 (consec) 18/10/55


Range of houses with shop premises. Circa 1300, with later alterations and refronted in C18. Timber-framed with vitrefied header bond brick front with red brick dressings; rendered and flint south side. Clay plain tile roof with hipped end. Brick axial and end stacks. PLAN: On left [S] Nos.13 and 14 has circa 1300 2-bay frame; and to its right No.15 has a circa 1300 2-bay cross-wing in the form of a large chamber over a store with a low ceiling; in the rear bay of cross-wing is an C18 staircase serving No.16 [to right] which was amalgamated with No.15. EXTERIOR: 2-storeys and attic. Asymmetrical 2:1:2 window east front of brick with parapets, 2 windows to right with platband over first floor windows. 12 and 16-pane sashes in flush frames, red brick cambered arches and jambs; 3-storey 1-bay centre with rendered arches; ground floor, Nos.15 and 16 have C18 pilastered doorcases with shouldered architraves, panelled reveals and segmental open pediments, No.16 with fielded panel door. Nos.13, 14 and 15 have C20 shop fronts, No.16 has 12-pane sashes. Brick wings at rear. INTERIOR: No.13 and 14 have 2-bay Medieval crown-post roof; No.14 has cavetto-moulded axial beam with large joists, which extend at the front forming a jetty. No.15 has 2-bay circa 1300 cross-wing with low ceiling to ground floor room with large chamfered cross-beam with curved brace at one end and large unchamfered joists; chamber above [now partitioned] has 2-bay king-post roof with arch-braces [missing] to a chamfered cambered tie-beam supporting a tall king-post with long curved under-rafters [or inner principals], raking struts rise from low down on the king-post, across the under-rafters to the principal rafters, supporting side-purlins between the under and principal rafters; one surviving straight longitudinal brace from king-post to ridgepiece [cf. No.42 Chesil Street, Winchester]. A good C18 staircase in rear bay of chamber, rises from hall-passage of No.16, which has good Georgian joinery and tenoned-purlin roof. NOTE: No.15's frame has been dendro-dated, 1280-1312. SOURCE: Roberts, E. Survey Report.

Listing NGR: SU5824006318