19-27 Milborne Port, England

Listed Building Data

19-27 has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
24 March 1961
Milborne Port
South Somerset
Grid Reference
ST 66777 18763

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

ST6618 MILBORNE PORT CP NEWTOWN (South West corner)

11/171 Nos 19 to 27 (inclusive)



Angle terrace of 9 cottages. c1818. Local stone coursed rubble: asbestos cement slate roofing, hipped gables; brick chimney stacks, some modified. 'L' plan block, with ridge on curve-orginally thatched as nos 28-35 (qv). 2 storeys, all except no 19 of one bay. No 19 has 2 bays, of which the second projects; 6-panelled door, of 4 glazed lights and lowest two panels fielded, up 3 steps into board lined recess; above narrow margined casement windows, both probably original features; to bay 2 horizontal casement windows set under square label moulds. No 20 has mid C20 casement windows and late C20 projecting porch, linked with no 21, with two patterns of glazed doors; no 21 has late C20 casements, the lower a 3-light oriel. No 22 has earlier pattern horizontal bar casements, the lower with segmental arched head, and shares small open timber and tile porch with no 23, which is the corner house with chamfered projecting angled gable, having windows as no 22: Britannia fire insurance plaque near door. No 24 has late C19 horizontal bar casements and a C20 boarded door with glazed panel. No 25 has similar casement below but 1960s casement above, and late C20 projecting stone porch with asbestos cement slate roof; no 26 has late C20 boarded door with glazed panel, and plain casement windows. No 27 is similar, but with entrance on the North side of a projecting gable, of which the upper half is rendered. Interiors not seen. Newtown is a planned layout, of c1818, with originally some 80 thatched cottages: it is said to have originated as a vote catching scheme. This terrace, although altered, retains a few original details not seen elsewhere, and helps to illustrate the original conception. Primarily included for group value.

Listing NGR: ST6677718763