Church of St Mary Lakenheath, England

Listed Building Data

Church of St Mary has been designated a Grade I listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
7 May 1954
Forest Heath
Grid Reference
TL 71453 82744

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.


11/25 Church of St. Mary 7.5.54

  • I

Church. Mediaeval with restorations of 1892 and 1904. Nave, chancel, north and south aisles, north and south porches, west tower and west schoolroom. Walling of rubble with freestone dressings: C12 work in Carrstone rubble (reused in later alterations, which also employ rubble of limestone, flint and clunch). C18 repairs in gault brick; the west, C18 extension in flint rubble with random headers and quoins of pink brick. Roofs mainly flat, leaded with parapets and parapet gables; chancel roof slated. Part of the C12 chancel survives; chancel arch with round-arched moulded head on 3 orders of engaged columns with scalloped capitals. A small section of wall arcading on the north wall was originally continued around the apsidal east end. Part of a blocked C12 lancet is visible in north wall. The C14 south nave arcade stands on the stumps of circular columns, apparently of C12, with octagonal bases, suggesting a former C12 south aisle. The chancel was extended mid C13; in north wall a lancet and a broad blocked arch into a chapel (now demolished); a C13 doorway was moved into the arch later. Tower added mid C13; blocked lancets in north and in south walls, pointed tower arch and west doorway which has niche above. A 3-light south chancel window was added c.1300. North aisle was added mid C14 in 2 stages, with 2- and 3-light net traceried windows and moulded north doorway and a circular east window over the side-altar. The south arcade was rebuilt C14; the octagonal piers have shallow blank arches carved just below the capitals. In later C14, the tower was raised with 2-light belfry windows, crenellated parapets and moulded cornice with carved mask gargoyles. On each corner of the tower stand limestone figures. South and north porches added late C14; the south has mask-carved kneelers to the parapet gables, both have the bases of gable-crosses. The south doorway is of C14, but the aisle walling was almost rebuilt C15, with 3-light square- headed windows; a similar window with segmental head was inserted in east wall of chancel. Nave roof raised C15; 5 bays of arch-braced tie-beams with wall- pieces on limestone corbels, with queen posts, principal rafters and purlins. Secondary trusses have angel-carved hammer-beams. Angels also embellish tie- beams and cornices, and spandrils are filled with tracery. 2-light clerestory windows and another of 3 lights (blocked) over chancel arch. To the west wall of tower was added a schoolroom in C18; pointed chamfered arched doorway with C18 panelled pair of doors and fanlight above. In the north and south walls are reused C15 single-light windows and in west wall a 4-light traceried window; these are believed to be from the ruinous church of St. Peter, Eriswell. The chancel roof was rebuilt 1892. In the north aisle is a fine C13 font, octagonal, the bowl carved with crocketed arcading, the stem having detached shafts at each corner. Fine late C15 pews with poppyhead ends, buttresses with carved animal and human figures, and pierced backs; a set of 8 in south aisle, 21 further examples, some altered, in nave; one has carved C17 panelling. 4 C15 benchends have been reused in C19 choirstalls. Fine C15 octagonal pulpit with buttresses at corners and traceried panels. In the south aisle is a restored family pew of c.1600. Traces of wall painting in several areas: on the north nave arcade extensive areas including a C14 figure of St. Edmund and others, overpainted with trailing foliage and abstract patterns. Beside the chancel arch is a figure of Christ, and on the south arcade a blackletter inscription of c.1600. In the south aisle is a Purbeck altar tomb to Simeon Steward, d.1568; Gothic tracery and arched canopy on engaged shafts; his coat of arms is carved in the recess. Inset in the south wall nearby is an oblong marble plaque with coat of arms and inscription to Joan, widow of Simeon Steward, d.1