Sudbrooke House Gloucester, England

Listed Building Data

Sudbrooke House has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
15 December 1998
Grid Reference
SO 82651 18115

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

844-1/11/152 LLANTHONY ROAD 15-DEC-98 (South side) SUDBROOKE HOUSE (Formerly listed as: LLANTHONY ROAD 9 SUDBROOKE HOUSE)



SO8218SE LLANTHONY ROAD 844-1/11/152 (South side) No.9 Sudbrooke House


House and offices, now offices. Built 1840s for Price and Co, timber merchants with large mid C19 extension. Painted brick and stucco, stone details, slate roof. Original building a double-depth block on the south-west corner of Llanthony Road and High Orchard Street; a large addition on east side originally built as offices facing the Docks. EXTERIOR: two storeys; the symmetrical front of original building of three bays with a full-height canted bay window on either side of central bay, all with a continuous, crowning string course and coped parapet, and at the outer corners of the front raised quoins; on the ground floor in the central bay the entrance doorway has blocked fanlight and C20 door in opening with moulded stone architrave; in each of the bay windows the front sash with glazing bars (3x4 panes), but the sash in left-hand window has had the lower frame replaced without bars, the sashes in the narrow, canted sides with glazing bars (1x4 panes); on the first floor in the centre a C20 sash and in the canted bay windows C20 side-hung sashes, all with glazing bars in same pattern as the sashes on the ground floor; on both floors the sashes in stone-framed openings with projecting stone sills. Side elevation facing High Orchard Street: on the ground floor to left are three sashes with glazing bars, to right a doorway with original six-panel door with four upper panels fielded, further right an infilled opening with C20 three-light casement, on the first floor to left an original sash, to right a blocked sash opening and a C20 side-hung sash in original opening; further right a pair of horned sashes, all sashes with glazing bars (3x4 panes) in openings with projecting stone sills. The addition on the east side of two storeys, the front projecting, with a shallow, canted return to the corner of the original building on the right, and at first floor on the left a similar canted return; at first-floor level a moulded string course and a crowning cornice with frieze band and coped parapet; on each floor in the centre of the projection are two sashes, and on each floor in the sides a single sash, on the ground floor the original sashes replaced with side-hung sashes with glazing bars (all 2x4 panes), on the first floor the original sashes with glazing bars (3x4 panes in the two front sashes, 2x4 panes in the side sashes), all in openings with projecting stone sills. INTERIOR: not inspected but noted to have been renewed mid/late C20 with some C19 panelled doors remaining. An externally complete example of a mid C19 combined shop and office, historically associated with and facing north towards The Docks (qv).

Listing NGR: SO8265118115