1-5, Main Street Lancaster, England

Listed Building Data

1-5, Main Street has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
29 December 1950
Grid Reference
SD 41112 61669

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.


SD4161 MAIN STREET, Heysham 939-1/7/16 (West side) 29/12/50 Nos.1-5 (Odd)


Two houses. Built as Heysham Rectory in C17, extended in C18 and sub-divided into cottages in C19. Sandstone rubble, whitewashed at the front, with slate roof. Earliest part of house T-plan with rebated and chamfered mullioned windows. 2 storeys. On the ground floor there is a single light fire window and a 4-light window, under a drip mould which extends over the doorway to the right. On the 1st floor there are 2 windows of 3 lights. The moulding of the door jambs extends to form a stepped shape on the lintel, which is inscribed: '1680'. The gables have stone copings at a pitch which suggests that the roof was originally thatched. Built against the left-hand gable is a stone chimney cap. To the left are lower extensions. Adjoining the original building is one bay which has windows with plain reveals and a door to the right with similar reveals and a chamfered lintel. To the left is a chimney. Further left, in separate occupation and possibly the conversion of a farm building, the facade is rendered and blank except for one bay with small windows with plain reveals, and a door to their left. The right-hand gable wall contains a 2-light window on the 1st floor. The gabled rear wing appears to be contemporary with the front range and has 3-light windows to both the 1st floor and the attic. In the angle with the main house there is a 2-storey stair projection with a blocked window above ground level and a 2-light window at a higher level. In front of and to the right of the projecting wing are various lean-to additions. Interior: main house altered, with removal of some partition walls on ground floor. The present fireplace is of C18 shouldered type, but the 2 chamfered main beams now supported by the chimneybreast are scarfed, suggesting that they were originally supported on a firehood bressumer. The chamfer of the front beam is inscribed: '1658 F?'. The kitchen contains the remains of a stone spiral staircase, the lower flight removed to allow the fitting of kitchen units and the upper part blocked off. A Glebe Terrier in the Lancashire Record Office (DRB 3/15) describes the rooms in the house in 1778 and mentions a thatched barn 16yds long, a shippon, a cart house, and a stable.

Listing NGR: SD4111261669