Church of St Cyriac Lacock, England

Listed Building Data

Church of St Cyriac has been designated a Grade I listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
20 December 1960
Grid Reference
ST 91708 68566

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

LACOCK CHURCH STREET ST 9168 (south side) 4/53 Church of St Cyriac 20.12.60 GV I

Anglican parish church, mostly C15 with some C14 elements, restored 1861 by A.W. Blomfield and chancel rebuilt 1902-3 by H. Brakspear. Rubble stone and ashlar with stone slate roofs. Elaborately battlemented and pinnacled C15 nave and north aisle, plain late C15 south aisle, low and plain west tower, possibly C14 in origin with battlemented bell-stage and ornate gabled octagonal cap to north stair tower of the C15. Recessed octagonal spire rebuilt 1604. Embattled west porch of c1500. North transept with Decorated tracery of C14, but roof raised in 1861, south transept rebuilt in C19 in matching style. West of south transept a C17 two-storey- and-attic annexe called the 'Cottage'. Chancel externally entirely of 1902-3 with harsh tracery and pierced parapet. Outstanding 2- bay north-east chapel built c1430 for the Bonham and Croke families in highly carved Perpendicular style, with unusual east window tracery, lavishly sculpted battlements and gargoyles. Nave is of 3-bays with large clerestory lights and 6-light east window over chancel roof, the 4-centred arch of the window echoed in a pierced parapet over. West porch has lierne vault with Baynard of Lackham arms. 'Cottage' annexe has ovolo-moulded mullion windows and blocked west door of later C17 type, but a new 'yle' with gallery is mentioned in 1619. Deep moulded elliptical-arched south door with hoodmould possibly early C17. Interior: evidence of several phases of building: tower arch interrupted at springing, C15 north aisle has springers for vaulting too low for tall C15 nave piers. High arches north and south of crossing exposed only in 1861 but intended for rebuilt transepts. One Decorated archway on south side of south transept. Nave has original C15 roof boarded in C19, transepts have roofs of 1861, south aisle has roof dated 1617 but 3 corbels of C14 and C15 date indicate lines of previous roof. Chancel has fragment of arch in south wall. North-east chapel has exceptionally rich lierne vaulting with centre pendants, the bosses carved, the vaults springing above finely-canopied wall-niches. Much of original colouring survives. Evidence in masonry that chapel is in part a remodelling of earlier structure. Furnishings: chancel reredos 1902, various wall plaques of C18 and C19 to Talbot family including Sir John Talbot (d 1714), the architectural frame of which is now the War Memorial, West Street (q.v.). North-east chapel has some C15 stained glass and exceptional Renaissance memorial (1566) to Sir W. Sharington of Lacock Abbey, possibly by J. Chapman. North transept, organ in Gothic early C19 case. South transept, or Lackham chapel, has series of memorials to owners of Lackham House from C15 to C20 including fine brass to R. Baynard (d 1501), two elaborately painted wall panels of 1623 to east and Lady U. Baynard, various C18 marble plaques to members of the Montagu family, including one to Capt J. Montagu hero of Earl Howe's 1794 naval victory off Ushant, and brightly coloured south window of 1862 to Capt F.W. Rooke. In 'Cottage' c1700 pedimented memorial to T. Cobborn and Greek Revival plaques to J. Skottowe (d 1820) by Sir R. Westmacott and Dame P. Call (d 1822) by T. King. In south aisle marble plaque to Bishop Johnson of Worcester (d 1774) and some C17 wall plaques. In nave font 1861 by Blomfield. (N. Pevsner, Wiltshire, 1975; T. Vernon, Church Guide, 1980)

Listing NGR: ST9170968569