Church of St Peter and St Paul Teigngrace, England

Listed Building Data

Church of St Peter and St Paul has been designated a Grade II* listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
23 August 1955
Grid Reference
SX 84976 73924

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.


7/231 Church of St Peter and St Paul - 23.8.55 - II*

Parish church. Dedicated 1787 by James and George Templer Esq and Rev John Templer Esq, vicar of Teigngrace, who demolished earlier church and rebuilt on site reusing some granite as quoins. Restored in 1872. Roughly dressed lime-stone and rubble with brick. Slate roofs with black glazed ridge tiles. West tower now without spire, west door, symmetrical nave and chancel with equal north and south transept and apse. Gothick 2 stage tower with angle buttresses and pronounced batter, set- offs each surmounted with attached oblisks on cyma recta bases. Original 6 flush panelled west door, (2 panels now glazed) in original surround of 3 clustered shafts with moulded cornice all breaking forward with C20 softwood repairs. Dedication stone on rendered panel above doorway. North and south C18 lunettes to vestible with crown glass leaded lights to north. Above Gothick C19 chamnfered frames with diamond leaded glazing to first floor under C18 dressed voussoirs, except west window unchamfered C18 gothick frame with slated infill. 3 large matching Gothick arched belfry louvres. C18 local brick crenellated parapet oversailing on brick block modilions. 3 large 3 light Gothick timber windows with intersecting tracery light the church on north and south sides, with C18 6 paned bottom sliding sash, timber glazing bars and diamond leaded crown glass in each pane under ashlar voussoirs. Stone sills. Gabled transcepts with round leaded light in ashlar surround with original rose petal design. Apse with curved sides and straightend has smaller oculus in dressed surround: above a brick crenellated parapet. Small West door in north transcept C18 roll moulded architrave and C19 door. Interior: Entrance vestibule in base of tower retains some C18 joinery, panelling, door and coat pegs. Original access to floor above probably by ladder, replaced by C19 staircase when also 4 octagonal elm posts with runout stops were introduced to support load of repositioned organ (see below). Church of single cruciform space with chaste Gothick ornament comprising nave and chancel with narrower south and north transepts (the latter'probably the squires' pews, having a separate entrance from the West. Sanctuary up 2 limestone steps (now obscured by C19 work) is in a shallow flat-ended apse with, high up, a tiny round window in front of which is fixed a large early C19 copy by James Barry R.A. of a Vandyke Pieta. Answering this, at the west end of the nave, a deep gallery set back into the tower over the vestibule. The ceilings are plaster vaults, ovoid in section over nave and chancel (with ridge rib) but much steepened by narrower transepts. At the crossing, groin ribs run up to a thick ring cornice with tiny outward-facing cherubim at the cardinal points around a diminutive dome of 4 centred section. This is divided into segments by 12 ribs meeting at an acanthus chandelier boss. C18 Tudor-arched door from vestibule to nave has flush-panelled reveals and double doors with panels inset on east face and covered with C19 studded red baise. Interesting C18 and C19 door furniture. To either side clustered and banded slender columns with polychrome marbling and from these small plaster demi-fan vaults spring to support a balcony, the ballustrade of which is C19. West and east walls answer each other in their decorative treatment : plain triple 4-centred arcading of 2 blind arches and a central longer one over gallery and apse. There is a continuous cornice, which ramps over the eastern oculus. Important C18 organ by Davis of London : presumably it was set further forward originally, allowing a ringing chamber behind. Gothick case grained to simulate mahogany, cross-banded and picked out in gold, as are the show pipes : several stages of blind archading and a ramped cornice. The central canted pipe group is carried on a plume corbel and rises above the rest. On the north