84, High Street Lincolnshire, England

Listed Building Data

84, High Street has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
15 July 1987
North Lincolnshire
Grid Reference
SE 77318 12816

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

SE 7612-7712 CROWLE HIGH STREET (east side)

17/47 No 84 15.7.87 GV II

House, now house and shop. Early C19 with C20 shop front. Brown brick in Flemish bond. Pantile roof. L-shaped on plan, with 2-room, central entrance-hall front and kitchen wing to rear left. 3 storeys, 3 bays; symmetrical, with inserted shop front to left. Entrance has doorcase with reeded pilasters and frieze, carved roundels to corners, moulded cornice and hood, round-headed opening with carved fan motif to spandrels, and C20 part- glazed door beneath moulded lintel and plain fanlight in panelled reveal. C20 window to right with raised sill beneath original stucco flat arch. Shop window and door to left. First floor: original window openings with sills and stucco flat arches. Fire insurance plaque to right. Second floor: shorter windows with similar sills and arches. All windows with unsympathetic C20 glazing. Moulded wooden eaves board. Hipped roof. Side wall stacks. Interior. Entrance hall has ribbed architrave to front door, dentilled plaster ceiling cornice, pilastered round-headed opening to stairhall; open-well staircase with slender ramped corniced handrail, slim column-on-vase balusters with square knops, turned newels and profiled cheek-pieces. Ribbed plasterwork frieze to ceiling, ground floor right. Similar ribbed frieze and pilastered chimney-piece with brackets to first floor right. Unusual original chimney-piece to first floor front left with ball ornament and alcove to mantleshelf. Some of the distinctive decorative motifs used here are similar to those at 5 Cross Street (qv). Shown with a shopfront on an illustration of 1858. W Read, History of the Isle of Axholme, 1858, p 248. Included for group value.

Listing NGR: SE7731812816