125, High Street Berkhamsted, England

Listed Building Data

125, High Street has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
26 January 1995
Grid Reference
SP 99338 07718

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

5P9907NW BERKHAMSTED HIGH STREET (south side) 1/10005 No 125 II

House, now partially occupied as commercial premises. C16, incorporating parts of a medieval open hall of at least 2 bays, refaced in brick mid C19, and with late C20 alterations. Timber- framing behind painted brickwork, brick chimneys and a Welsh slated roof 'L' plan house, of at least 3 phases, with remodelled street frontage range, and rear range to west of yard accessed by means of wide arched opening at east end of frontage range. STREET ELEVATION; 4-bay, 2 storey range, the bays delineated by pilasters with plainly- moulded capitals. End bay to right with 2 storey canted bay, formerly an entry, now with C20 doors below rectangular overlight, approached by flight of 4 curved steps with splayed handrails. End bay to left with carriage entry below shallow segmental arch with keyblock. Centre bays occupied by C20 advanced double fronted shop window with plain fascia, elaborate cornice and inset part- glazed door. Above are 3 glazing bar sashes, 8 over 8 panes, without horns, set between truncated pilasters. Fixed side lights and 2-light casement to canted bay. REAR RANGE; 4 bays, 2 storeys, with C20 2 storey lean to extension to south, substantially remodelled, with replacement C20 sashes. Carriage entry with C19 3-light casement at eaves level. INTERIOR; front range with exposed framing to first floor of modest scantling, and with straight angle bracing. Rear range with remains of 2 trusses of an earlier, open hall structure, including substantialjowel posts, arch braced tie beam, and steeply-set principal rafters. Most ofthe upper roofstructure has been replaced. Room to rear at ground floor level with substantial cross-beams. Room above with C18 large panelling, and comer hearth with brick oven behind. Within, and to east side of the carriage arch, substantial vertical and horizontal timbers, set back behind the later brick front, suggest a framed end wall, and a jettied first floor , the latter now concealed by, or destroyed at the insertion of the brick front. An important remnant of an early, high status house which stood at the end of the medieval market place, now enclosed within a C19 remodelling, which itself forms an important frontage component of the central part ofBerkhamsted's principal street.

Listing NGR: SP9933807718