Bramcote Hail Polesworth, England

Listed Building Data

Bramcote Hail has been designated a Grade II listed building in England with the following information, which has been imported from the National Heritage List for England. Please note that not all available data may be shown here, minor errors and/or formatting may have occurred during transcription, and some information may have become outdated since listing.

List Entry ID
Listing Type
listed building
Date Listed
16 March 1981
North Warwickshire
Grid Reference
SK 27247 04356

Listed Building Description

Text courtesy of Historic England. © Crown Copyright, reprinted under the Open Government License.

POLESWORTH SK2OSE 5/76 Bramcote Hall 16/03/81

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House. Early/mid C18. Flemish bond brick with remains of moulded wood entablature. Old plain-tile double or triple span roofs with stone-coped parapets; brick end stacks on the parapets. Probably double-pile plan. Early Georgian style. 2 storeys, basement and attic. 9 by 5 bays. Formerly symmetrical front bias 2 blocked basement windows to right. Flush 6-panelled door has moulded wood doorcase of narrow panels, consoles and pediment. Flight of stone steps with remains of iron railings. To ground floor first, third, sixth and eighth say have 16-pane sashes; other bays have narrower blocked openings. Above, third, fifth and eighth bays have sashes; first bay has painted blind window; other bays are blocked. Above the entablature is a high attic with concave quadrant curved parapet ends. C19 cross windows to second, fourth and sixth bays; eighth bay has a blocked window. All windows have segmental arches. To left return side the first 2 bays project slightly. Third bay has plank door and brick double staircase with steps to left and right. CI9 two- and 3-light windows and blocked openings. Right return side has a late C18 tripartite sash with pilaster between fourth and fifth bays. Rear of 5 widely spaced bays. Flush 6-panelled door with doorcase of pilaster strips and pediment is off-centre. Early C19 canted bay with 16-pane sash between fourth and fifth bays, C19 two-light windows and blocked openings, Interior not inspected. (Buildings of England: Warwickshire: p374; VCH: Warwickshire: Vol lV, P186)

Listing NGR: SK2724704356