Santa Sabina Rome, Italy

Construction begins on the church of Santa Sabina atop the Aventine Hill in Rome, on the site of the Temple of Juno Regina (whose columns are reused in the church). The church is an expansion of a Roman house-church owned by a woman named Sabina. The new
Completion of Santa Sabina in Rome.
Restoration of Santa Sabina under Pope Leo III (795-816).
The archpresbyter Eugenius II makes some improvements to Santa Sabina in Rome, adding the marble furniture of the chancel and enshrining the relics of three saints in the high altar: Alexander, Theodolus and Eventius.
Santa Sabina is given to the newly-created Dominican Order, in whose care it remains today.
Major remodeling of Santa Sabina's interior in the Renaissance style under Pope Sixtus V (1585-90).
Restoration of Santa Sabina in Rome, which includes reversing the Renaissance makeover of the 1580s, reconstructing all the original windows and piecing together the marble chancel furniture from fragments found in the pavement.