Halloween in France

posted November 1, 2012 by Holly Hayes part of trip: Old West Road Trip

I hope you all had a Happy Halloween! I didn't expect much out of Halloween in France, because I know it's not much of a holiday over here and I hadn't seen any signs of it in shop windows. But my Halloween night turned out to be rather festive after all!

I spent the day in Chartres, which is an hour's train ride west of Paris, to re-photograph its lovely cathedral. It was wonderful, if a whole lot of work, but that's a story for another day.

My Halloween story begins when I headed back behind Chartres Cathedral to take my final night shots, as the last bit of blue faded from the sky. First, on my dark walk alongside the cathedral, I spotted a black cat! He didn't cross my path, but he stopped to look at me with his bright yellow eyes. Sadly I wasn't able to photograph him before he scampered off under the Gothic arches, but I walked on feeling satisfied that my Halloween didn't go unobserved.

East End by Night
There is a small park

next: Paris So Far

previous: Goodnight from Paris

Article Info

Page Title
Halloween in France
Added By
Holly Hayes
Date Published
November 1, 2012
Last Updated
April 15, 2024